Hospital Detour during Chemo Treatment

Hospital Detour during Chemo Treatment

Well, I’m sorry to say that things have gone to another level (and not up!).  Today, I was admitted to the hospital with a 101 degree fever, indicating that there is an infection going on somewhere in this bod.  F-Bomb.

I’ve been dehydrated for several days and last night even administered IV fluids to myself at home.  Yes. I’m serious.  Thank goodness I’m a nurse (Silver Lining).

Today, however, with a fever and considering the fact that it took every ounce of energy to go to the bathroom, things went to another level, i.e., hospitalization.

There have been plenty of Silver linings in this day:

  1. From my hospital room, I can see the mountains and the ocean.
  2. The hospital menu looks amazing.  Seriously.
  3. The fact that I can look at a menu and say it looks amazing.
  4. I’m here with the HOTY.
  5. The phlebotomist drew my blood on the first stick.
This photo was taken by a good friend at her house. The rainbow appears to end in our backyard. Still looking for the pot of gold!

‎Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in getting up every time we do.



  1. Even though I know you are putting out huge fires DAILY the picture of you administering your own IV is something I can not imagine! Nurse or no nurse! You are amazing! I am actually relieved you are in the hospital letting someone else take care of you …. and Jeff. The infection will pass SOON – It is my first hearing positives about the hospital menu and view! SILVER LINING LIMITLESS!!! HUGS AND KISSES – BETH

  2. Hol,
    Rest, hydrate and enjoy the food! 🙂 So sorry to hear that you had to take a detour, but at least it's to a place that will focus on getting you better. You are in my thoughts daily, and know that you are being prayed for, along with the rest of your entire family.

    Focus on what must be a beautiful view, while your body heals. Be well!


  3. Giving yourself an IV? You are beyond rock star…
    Having an infection? Need to be in the hospital. Wise choice. Silver Lining: Fabulous doctors in SB.
    So sorry for this (bad) turn in the road…hoping they kill that infection fast and swift.

  4. Hol,
    Our hearts are with you! Feel better and stay strong!!!!!!!
    We Love You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Jody and the Boys

  5. Sending lots of love, hope and prayers your way Hollye that your visit there is short and you're home soon and feeling much better. Also hoping that food is as good as it sounds!!



  6. I know you are getting the best care and look forward to your next post saying you are feeling much better! Rest up and keep looking for the SLs….

  7. My Sweet Hollye, You never cease to amaze us all! YOU are in my heart and YOU are my SL. I am thinking of you and loving you…..xoxo

  8. We love rainbows. They are a gift and so are you…always finding those silver linings, seriously, and sharing them with all. We're thinking of you and hoping for just a short hospital detour where you can get some rest,knock out that infection, and enjoy a little something yummy while you're there too!

  9. Always in our thoughts and prayers! My mom asks about you daily, and loves your blog! Just know how much you're loved! Just another bump on the road back to the amazing you (not that you aren't now – I can actually picture you administering that IV! you're incredible!). Love you!! And HOTY sure is amazing, I'd say a cupcake is the perfect silver linking for he and finally five to share 🙂 all my love!!


  10. I'm so glad you are In good hands! Rest, eat, love, and meditate!
    You really are the pot of gold!! Love you tons!

  11. Hope the day is bringing you back on track…the pot of gold at home contains HOTY and Finally Five and Buzz who will be happy to have you back in their arms and paws. Even though we have never met, you are bringing me much grace and inspiration which is shared with others. You are a gift that keeps on giving! Remember that you are never alone, but surrounded with prayer, appreciation, and love at all times. Think of it as another sort of SL only this is "Spirit Lining" that surrounds you where ever you go.

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