Just saw her for the first time, what a relief, she’s groggy from the drugs and asked for ice chips, but it’s her, with her beautiful smile, I love her so much.
Seeing Her

Just saw her for the first time, what a relief, she’s groggy from the drugs and asked for ice chips, but it’s her, with her beautiful smile, I love her so much.
This is amazing news!
JJ, thanks for this wonderful up-date. What a long day you have already had. We have been praying for and thinking of you all since we first learned of Hollye's diagnosis. We especially remembered all of you yesterday, knowing the dread of what was to occur this morning. Hollye is so strong, and positive. I know this must make it a little easier on you. Still, it's the pits! Know that we continue to pray for all of you multiple times a day. We will pray for a swift recovery and an amazingly positive path report. With love and many thoughts,
Pam, Bill, Sara, and Beka Malloy
Glad to know this part is now over. Hoping for the best for her to go along with the best husband.
You are all in my thoughts and prayers. With love, Alex
Prayers sent. Wishes good, hugs and love to Hollye and her family. Much Love, Holly
thinking about you non-stop. You are a strong and beautiful woman. Everyone is pulling for you! Stay strong.
This comment is for you…THE HUSBAND…this posting is one to read over and over and over. There is nothing you could say that would be more simple and beautiful. It will fill Hollye's soul when she reads it! xo
I come back to this blog quite often when I'm upset about something… I read these posts and you remind me that my worries are ridiculous. Thanks to both of you for sharing your courage.
Wow, Jacobs. Thank you so much for your comment. It means the world to me! All my best to you.