Time for a Change by May Sarton

I can’t begin to tell you how much this poem sings to me. Wowsy. Hope it is a Silver Lining as you begin 2013!


  1. Oh, I love this poem! Here's to a happy, healthy 2013 full of lovely new adventures and posts from my favorite blogs.

  2. I have read a couple of May Sarton's novels and especially enjoyed her "Journal of a Solitude", (a diary of sorts). I also read her, "A House by the Sea", another memoir.
    She seemed a recluse; oftentimes spending months on end alone in a remote area of Nelson, N.H. But maybe such is the life of a full-time writer, alone with her thoughts, her livelihood dependent on publishing for income. I know that she died of BC in 1995. Thank you for this poem by her; I didn't remember reading it before.
    Wishing you too a happy and healthful 2013, Hollye! Many blessings, Carolee

    1. Thanks for your note, Carolee! You reminded me that I also read her "Journal of a Solitute"….I didn't make the connection when I read the poem, though. Wow! I also didn't know that she died of (F)BC. Another Wow.
      Wishing you an amazing 2013 as well, Carolee. Thank you so much for all of your comments and feedback on the blog. They all mean so very much to me!
      All my best,

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