I Wish… – Lisa Bonchek Adams

When I was going through my treatments for FBC (f-bomb breast cancer for new readers), a friend directed me to Lisa Bonchek Adams’ blog.  She is a beautiful, inspiring writer who communicates not only about the disease itself, but also about its impact on her young family. This month, more than five years after her original diagnosis, she learned that her cancer had metastasized to her bones and that she now has stage IV breast cancer (f-bomb!). Shortly after her recurrence diagnosis, she posted this beautiful, powerful and very realistic poem on her blog. I asked if I could share it here with you dear readers and she generously agreed.

Thank you, Lisa. Sending you all of my very best wishes!


  1. Dear Lisa,
    This is such a very real and passionate poem about what cancer has done to you. I can feel your
    heartbreak in the words. You are a beautiful writer. Thank you so much for sharing your poem. It stuck a cord with me, although mine was not breast cancer. Cancer is cancer. My heart and thoughts are with you, Lisa.
    Love Kim

  2. Hollye, To me Lisa's poem resonates with truth, pain, anger, fear, inspiration, and awareness. We feel her personal battle with FBC. She puts into this beautiful poem her very heart and soul. Those of us who have experienced FBC and fought the battle sometimes wonder if it was worth the dreadful therapy. We fear the insidiousness of the disease, and wonder when "the other shoe will drop". Reading Lisa's poem we feel all of the emotions and thoughts she so poignantly shares.
    Thank you Lisa for sharing your poem with us.

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