Acts of Kindness

Acts of Kindness

How great is this quote by Aesop? I love it. Truly love it.

I believe that kindness defines our capacity to show up and truly be present in life. It is a source of pure and true joy in the world. Did you know that  Buddhists teach loving kindness as a fundamental doctrine for both inner and outer peace? Amazing, right? And so beautifully simple.

And if you weren’t already convinced, Dr. Wayne Dyer teaches that “the fastest ways to transform fear into love and tap into the source is through another face of intention—kindness. The beneficial effects of kindness on the immune system and the increased production of serotonin have been proven. Conversely, unkindness weakens the body and puts us into a state of dissonance. So extend acts of kindness; ask for nothing in return.”

Here are 10 super simple ways that I’m adding kindness to my life this week:

  1. Compliment a total stranger. When you think about it, giving a compliment costs nothing, takes no time, and could make someone’s entire day. Don’t just think it. Say it.
  2. Put a surprise note in your child’s (or spouse’s or friend’s) lunchbox. Suddenly Seven LOVES it when I do this!
  3. Say “Thank You” to someone who made a difference in your life, even if it’s way after the fact. I love remembering the kindness bestowed on my and sharing gratitude for it.
  4. Send a letter just to “let you know how much I care about you.” I think that it’d be pretty wonderful to receive this, which is why I’m sending it!
  5. Put a quarter (or 2) in someone’s parking meter.
  6. Listen. Don’t interrupt. In my clinical work, I’ve learned that people don’t always want to hear a suggested solution. They just want us to listen. We underestimate how important and comforting it is to be listened to.
  7. Out of the blue – for no reason – send flowers to someone you love.
  8. Make a helpful introduction. I have a few people in my life who are real connectors. Their goal is to literally bring people together. These friends inspire me and motivate me to reciprocate this act of kindness.
  9. If you see someone who looks lost and might need help with directions, don’t wait for him to ask you for help. I always have so much fun sharing directions (and often make suggestions for places to visit in Santa Barbara)!
  10. Buy a cup of coffee for the person standing behind you at the coffee shop. I did this in New York last week and it was truly the highlight of my day!



  1. Love these Happy 10 Commandments ! Been following a few for some years ,so no wonder that I am a bit giddy at times ! Hugs , A

  2. Great ideas! I have been the recipient of some of these acts of kindness. They are such a uplifter! Time to do more of them.

  3. Loved this! Many years ago, when you still paid tolls with coins or got in a lane to get change, I used to sometimes pay the toll for the car behind me. Sometimes I got a friendly wave, others just very odd looks (ha!). One time I had no coins, needed change and had to cut in front of someone to get in the right lane. I felt bad for being so rude, so I told the toll person I was paying for the person behind me and to tell him I apologized for cutting in front of him. There was a LONG line to exit the expressway (after paying the toll) and there was a gentleman selling little rose bouquets walking between the cars. Next thing I know, he's knocking on my window and handing me a bouquet saying it was from the car behind me, saying thank you for paying his toll and no problem for cutting in front of him. Have no clue who he was, but I have always remembered that kind gesture and its memory always makes me smile.

  4. We should all practice these random acts of kindness when opportunities present themselves.
    And being kind is never out of fashion; being kind should be a natural practice for us all.
    If everyone practiced kindness in all things, the world would truly be a better place.

  5. what a beautiful post. I am now going to have a week devoted to kind actions…. hopefully a lifetime but I'm going to start with a focus on 7 days. Thank you.

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