An August Hiatus

An August Hiatus

Happy August, friends! Can you even buh-lieve that it is August? How on earth is that possible? I have made a bit of a radical (for me, anyway) decision: to take the month of August off from the blog. GULP.  I can barely believe that I just wrote that!  Wowsy.

Despite the fact that I have a bagillion things that I would like to write about, I have decided to wait until September to do so.  I really need to take time for myself, my family and my friends. It has been an extraordinarily busy year (as you all know) and I know that now I need to rejuvenate, rethink, rest and refresh. I also have a couple of health issues with which I have to contend and need to focus on wholehearted healing.

So, for just a few short weeks, I will bid you adieu. I will still be on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Please feel free to join me here.  In the meantime, have a beautiful August and see you in September!

xxx Hollye

Photograph by Elizabeth Messina and is in our book, The Silver Lining: A Supportive & Insightful Guide to Breast Cancer


  1. Wishing you an awesome, amazing August! Take lots of Pajama Days, breathe, spend time with family and friends. Take long walks (picnics!) on that wonderful beach, in those amazing mountains (I do miss those mountains), recharge, refresh, renew! Sending good vibes, happy thoughts and healing energy your way. Good golly, can you tell I was raised in California or what? See you in September, Miss Hollye, enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

  2. Hollye dear,

    I have tried to leave you several replays but my screen freezes when I try to send. I'm sure it is just technical issues with my computer skills . At any rate I wish you a most intrepid summer ! Also sending love your way for your continued good health. Love reading your blog and all the positive energy you so effortlessly publish. One day I love for you to sign the book for me.

    Hearts love,

    1. This one came through. Yay! So sorry for the problems. I will love to sign your book. For sure! xx Hollye

  3. Hollye dear,

    I have tried to leave several comments but they don't seem to go through …
    it must be my technical skills !!! I will try one more time … I so enjoy reading your
    blog and and all the positive energy you share on so many different subjects. I hope you have an intrepid summer ! and I continue to send you love and prayers for your
    happiness and health.

    Hearts love ,

  4. Enjoy your time off and enjoy the wonderful summer days! Looking forward to your posts when you are back, we will meet again in September

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