Artful Living: Combining Art and Books

Art and Living,

The last two posts have been a wee bit heavy what with death, anxiety and depression, so I thought I’d lighten things up a bit by writing about my favorite way to live: combining art and books.

You all know that I love books, right?  Even when I have book constipation (and can’t finish a book to save my life!), I still love them. I love the way that books look, smell and feel. I’m so grateful that Suddenly Seven loves books as much as I do. Today, in fact, she told me that “Books are dear friends.” Talk about a Silver Lining!

There’s something so wonderfully personal and telling in a room that combines both art and books. I automatically feel comfortable and at ease with someone who combines the two. Here are some fun and inspiring images of incredibly special places:

Art and Living, TheSilverPen.comArt and Living,

Combining Art and Books,


How fab is Kelly Wearstler’s children’s library? Love. Love. Love.

* Photos from Pinterest. If you know that photographer to whom I can give credit, please do let me know!


  1. Hi, Hollye. I happened over here after reading your post on Three Things for Mom.

    Your blog is absolutely beautiful. I, too, love books and book shelves. I have an entire Pinterest board dedicated to book shelves and several (overflowing) in my home.

    1. Oh how wonderful, Shana. Thank you so much for your note and WELCOME to The Silver Pen! Look forward to seeing your Pinterest board. Please stay in touch.

  2. These settings look lovely and relaxing. I live currently in quite a small apartment and my wish is that somedai I could dedicate even one corner to my reading hobby. Dreams tend to come true 🙂

  3. I love what Suddenly Seven said to you about books, "books are dear friends". What a lovely thought! And I guess that is why it is so difficult to rid yourself of them when purging your belongings.
    I like the idea of combining Art with books in a library. In our office/library I have shelves combining books with family photos. I change the photos out every now and then. Like seeing the familiar books you have enjoyed, it is fun to see past and present family photos.

  4. Perfect timing! I am currently reading a book by Alberto Manguel called The Library at Night. A book about books. You can't beat that. There is an entire chapter on The Library as Order and the many different ways that libraries have been organized throughout the ages and how our view of a book is influenced by the way that someone else decides to categorize it. I, personally, have an entire section of just unread books that continues to grow. I can't keep up with my interests. Anna Karenina did finally just make it over to the "read" section. A major accomplishment. Thank you for a great post. I love the pictures you chose.

    1. Sounds fabulous, Victoria. Thanks so much for sharing! I also have a section of unread books…& I happen to enjoy it as much as the books that I've read. Great job on Anna Karenina!

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