The Silver Linings of Aging

Today is my birthday. There. I said it. Somehow it feels like a confession of sorts. The truth is that I’ve never been a big fan (understatement of the year) of my birthday. I love – absolutely love – other people’s birthdays. Mine? Not so much. When I was single (eons ago), I use to tuck myself away until the day passed.

Now the weird thing is that I love getting older. Seriously. I really do love getting older. I am proud of my age. Being 42 rocks. So did 41. Even 39, the year that I was diagnosed with FBC, worked out pretty well.

It’s just the doggone Birth-DAY. Now, I’m trying to work through my issues about it because I always want Sweetly Six to love her birthday as much as she loves it now (she starts planning her party 6 months in advance). So, what do do? Uh Huh…look for Silver Linings (aside from the obvious…that the day beats the alternative!):

These…and a ginormous piece of chocolate cake are pretty fabulous Silver Linings, if I do say so myself.




  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY HOLLYE ! Just put on your party shoes – or running shoes – and the
    day will be great! Celebrate.

  2. Estas son las mañanitas
    que cantaba el rey David
    Hoy por ser día de tu santo
    te las cantamos aquí.
    Despierta mi bien despierta
    Mira que ya amaneció
    Ya los pajaritos cantan
    La luna ya se metió.

    ¡Qué linda está la mañana
    en que vengo a saludarte
    Venimos todos con gusto
    y placer a felicitarte!
    El día en que tú naciste,
    nacieron todas las flores
    Ya viene amaneciendo
    ya la luz del dia nos dió.

    Levantate de la mañana,
    mira que ya amaneció.
    Y En la pila del bautismo
    cantaron los ruiseñores.
    Ya viene amaneciendo
    ya la luz del dia nos dió.
    Levantate de la mañana,
    mira que ya amaneció.

    Volaron 7 palomas
    por toditas las ciudades
    Hoy por ser dia de tu santo
    Te deseamos felicidades
    Ya viene amaneciendo
    ya la luz del dia nos dió.
    Levantate de la mañana,
    mira que ya amaneció.

    Despierta Hollye
    Paso el tiempo de dormir
    Ya los gallos muy contentos
    cantaron kikiriki
    Ya viene amaneciendo
    ya la luz del dia nos dió.
    Levantarte de la mañana,
    mira que ya amaneció.

    Happy-Happy Birthday Hollye!!!

  3. Happy birthday Holly! You deserve the best today and in the beautiful days to come! I can totally relate to the truth and wisdom of your post today. Thank you for always encouraging and inspiring me (and others) everyday through your post. I wish you the happiest birthday ever!

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HOLLYE! I think of birthdays as markers of a year just past, hopefully well-lived and a new year full of possibilities and adventure. Plus cake, love birthday cake! And, absolutely, Pajama Days are a MAJOR Silver Lining of becoming more "vintage" … sounds sooo much better than "getting older" doesn't it? After a particularly rough seas week recently, I declared a Pajama Weekend. It was grand!

    1. What a Silver Lined perspective. Thank you, E.B.! Oh yes, birthday cake….oh how I do love birthday cake!
      I'm thrilled to hear that you balanced your rough seas with a Pajama Weekend. Yipppeeeee for you!

  5. Happy Happy Hollye! May your days be filled with bundles of love, laughter family and friends. Now that's a perfect birthday!

  6. Happy Birthday dear Hollye! Thank you for your honesty and I have felt the same way at times.

    My husband through a surprise 50th birthday party for me at the time of my 11th chemo treatment. He thought I looked beautiful regardless of the colostomy bag, pic line and lack of hair. I just went with the flow and enjoyed each and every person who was there. It felt so good to see everyone. I was exhausted the next day and many were worried it was all too much, but it's a beautiful memory….. and this is weird, but maybe it was one of my best birthdays ever. I really felt the presence of every single person and felt the love in the room and didn't feel self conscious at all. I didn't care. And you know what? I didnt look half bad in the pictures. The party really gave me a lift!!!! Have a wonderful day!

  7. Hollye,

    As a woman living with metastatic breast CA for the past 10 3/4 years (SL), your blog is a source of encouragement and support for me.
    So even though I too wanted in no way to celebrate my birthday this year (I turned 50 and it was a really, really hard birthday to have), I want to wish you the happiest of days as you celebrate, not the birthday itself, but the SL-one more year of being here for those you love and who love you.

    Hugs and happiness, Cyndy

    1. Dear Cyndy,
      Thank you so much for your kind note and for sharing your story. I sure do appreciate it! All my best wishes to you for a health-filled year.
      Take good care and thank you again!

  8. Happy Birthday dear one! It seems so incongruent that you of the sunny spirit are not a fan of birthdays. You probably would rather be on the giving end instead of the receiving one.
    Today, as every day, you have given us 10 Silver Linings to deal with aging. I especially liked #9, "the older I become, the less I have to prove". Thanks for all you share. And please, PARTY ON!!

    1. Thanks so much for your note, Carolee. You're exactly right: I prefer the giving end.
      Thank you for all of your wonderful comments. They mean so much!

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