This weekend, another travel adventure begins! I’m heading to New York for work (meetings) and play (friends & fashion week). I always equate New York with Silver Linings, so I’m super excited about the trip.
It seems like every time I step into an airport, I become famished. Some ridiculous hunger switch turns on and though I try to ignore myself, I inevitably go in hot pursuit of food. It’s not pretty, especially considering the food (non)options in virtually every airport.
So, in recognition of my airportapeworm, before I even think about packing clothes, I pack healthy, satisfying snacks that are fiber heavy (because traveling is horrendous for my plumbing. Just sayin’).
Here are some of my faves:
- Trader Joe’s Apple Cranberry Fiber Mini Cakes
- Gnu Flavor and Fiber Bars
- Carrot Snack Bags
- Seaweed Snacks
- 100 Calorie packages of Almonds (so I don’t overeat)
- An orange
- A banana
- Barney 90 calorie almond butter packets (which are super yumma on the banana)
- A dark chocolate bar to satisfy my incorrigible sweet tooth
- Digestive enzymes (to help optimally digest food)
Agree with Dotty 100%! And the snacks look deeeelish. Wishing everyone a GREAT Silver Linings weekend!
You too, E.B.! 🙂