What Stress Physically Feels Like
Lordy-bee. WTF is going on with stress lately? It is EVERY.WHERE. Are you all feeling it? One of my friends eloquently uses the hashtags: #stuck and #burnedout. I would add #stressedbeyondbeliefwithnopatienceleft. Yea, things that overwhelming these days. The Silver Lining is that #hashtag creation cracks me up and there is nothing like a giggle to help balance stress and anxiety! Oh and the other big Silver Lining is that I no longer have chemo appointments in my calendar. So there.
Anyhoo, recently I came across a powerful and super visual description of what stress physically feels (and looks!) like. These struck such a chord with me. How about you?
“Like a huge knot in my stomach.”
“It feels like being caught in a stunami; the rolling of the wave keeps you from figuring out which direction to swim.”
“I feel like a shark bit me in the stomach.”
“For me stress is like a hazy fog that is so thick that it literally slows me down.”
“It feels like the walls are closing in. A vice grip on my body.”
“A volcanic mountain close to eruption with lots of pressure building up. Everything is amplified around me. “
“Stress feels like carrying around a mental cinderblock. You can hold it for a few minutes and not get tired of (an actual cinderblock weighs 28 pounds) but if you carry it around for an hour it will fatigue you, carry it around for a day it will hurt you, continue to carry it long term and it can literally kill you.”
“I feel like I am an Egyptian mummy wrapped all over and the pyramid is put on top of me.”
“It feels like a weight on my shoulders, gravity pulling me down and a sense of dread.”
“Stress is like being hugged by a giant.”
What does stress physically feel like to you?