As I’ve mentioned, one Silver Lining of having had FBC is a brand new engagement with poetry. Until now, it has never been my thing. But, for some new and magical reason, I get it. Not all of it, certainly. Many poems still leave me blurry eyed and confused; however, the majority give me a warm, cozy… Continue reading Poetry Series: Kindness by Naomi Shihab Nye
Inspiring Poems
Poetry Series: Pablo Neruda
In my fast-paced over-thinking life prior to FBC, I never had the time or the patience to appreciate and enjoy poetry. However, the Silver Lining is that poetry…beautiful, soul-searching, enchanting, eye-popping, inspirational poetry began coming into my life from the time of my diagnosis and keeps on showing up (Silver Lining). The truth of the matter is that… Continue reading Poetry Series: Pablo Neruda
Welcome November! – Elizabeth Cotsworth
Columbus Day! – Ramon Montaigne
Happy Columbus Day to all!
Feast On Your Life by Derek Walcott
Hope you’ve had a great weekend! Reading some poetry the last couple of days and had to share this with you. Hope you enjoy it as much as I am (Silver Lining)!
We Remember Them… – Gates of Prayer, Judaism Prayerbook
The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost
I recite this poem to Sweetly Six almost every day. I have it memorized at this point and love it more and more every time I think about it. Hope it inspires you as much as it does me (Silver Lining).
The Road
I recite this poem to Sweetly Six almost every day. I have it memorized at this point and love it more and more every time I think about it. Hope it inspires you as much as it does me (Silver Lining).
Italian Food! by Shel Silverstein
Though today’s Friday’s Fixin’s isn’t exactly Italian food…it sure feels like it!
Happy First Day of Summer! – Emily Dickinson
The HOTY and I were just talking about the fact that we are HALF way through this year, now celebrating today, the first day of summer? Is it me or is time FLYYYYYING? What are you doing on this beautiful first day? I hope that it involves some form of relaxation. Perhaps a good book?… Continue reading Happy First Day of Summer! – Emily Dickinson