Musical Monday: An Alien in my Lungs by Billy Jonas

This weekend, Suddenly Seven and I came down with colds. The Silver Lining is that it we don’t have the horrible flu virus that is going around, but it does feel rather rotten. I was listening to the Kids station on Sirius radio and the following song came on that made me cackle out loud because it’s… Continue reading Musical Monday: An Alien in my Lungs by Billy Jonas

Musical Monday: Life is a Highway by Tom Cochran

Life is a Highway is one of my favorite songs to listen to while running.  I just love it.  The Silver Lining is that it always reminds me of Lightening McQueen in Cars, one of my favorite Silver Lined movies that I watched with Suddenly Seven when I was sick. The lyrics feel really wonderfully symbolic to me, especially… Continue reading Musical Monday: Life is a Highway by Tom Cochran