It’s Saturday and I know that Saturday is supposed to be Pajama Day; however, right now I’m sitting in the waiting room of a hospital while a dear friend is having a monster surgery for a monstrous cancer diagnosis. So, to divert my worry, anxiety, and shpilkes, I thought I’d blog…and put up some Silver… Continue reading Saturday Snapshots
Inspired Living & Celebrating Life
Happy Blue Moon!
Did you know that today is a Blue Moon. I always say, “Once in a blue Moon,” and today IS the once! I honestly didn’t know much about Blue Moons so I thought I’d share a little trivia (because you knowwwww how much I love trivia!). There are two definitions for a blue moon. According… Continue reading Happy Blue Moon!
How to Bee A Friend
No less than a dozen people have requested or referenced the post that I did last year on how to be a friend when a friend has cancer. Combining this with the fact that there are lots of new Silver Pen readers (Helloooo!) and the fact that I now have another friend who has a… Continue reading How to Bee A Friend
Wonderful Watermelon!
This summer I have developed an unusual taste…okay, more like an obsession for watermelon. I don’t know where it’s come from. I’ve always liked watermelon, but for the first time EVER, I am dreaming about watermelon over chocolate. Talk about a major Silver Lining! I’ve been eating it and even throwing it in the blender… Continue reading Wonderful Watermelon!
Since today is all about the Number 11, I thought I’d share a little trivia with you…because I do love a dose of trivia!
Happy Tooth Fairy Day!
Happy Tooth Fairy Day! Oh yes it is…well, actually, some people celebrate it on February 28th and other people celebrate it on August 22nd, but we’re clearly in the August contingent. Despite the fact that Sweetly Six has only lost two teeth at the ripe old age of 6 1/2, we are ALL ABOUT the… Continue reading Happy Tooth Fairy Day!
In A Minute
Last week, I had one heckuva crazy day. Thursday was going along swimmingly, until it wasn’t. Driving home from a patient visit, I was overcome with an extraordinary, fully drenching and dizzying hot flash and nausea the likes of which I hadn’t encountered since my chemo-daze (pun not actually intended, but it works). On the… Continue reading In A Minute
Silver Lining Movie: Forks Over Knives
This weekend, I gave myself a Silver Lined gift: watching the movie Forks Over Knives. Have you seen it? My oh my, I cannot recommend it enough. Forks Over Knives examines the pretty staggering claim that most, if not all, of the degenerative diseases that afflict us can be controlled, or even reversed, by rejecting our… Continue reading Silver Lining Movie: Forks Over Knives
Power Nappers
In case you are feeling, oh I don’t know…guilty about napping, check out the people who have incorporated napping into their daily routine (Silver Lining).
The Power Nap!
When I was a little girl and stayed at my grandparents home, I vividly remember my grandfather coming home at noon from his job as an attorney, eating lunch and then taking a 20 minute nap, every-single-day. His routine left a real impression on me and ever since, I’ve tried to take naps whenever and… Continue reading The Power Nap!