Sinister Sinusitis with a Side of Prunes

It was a very long, sleepless sore-throat-filled night of coughing and flipping back and forth (to get the mucus to move from one side of my sinus’ to the other – Ewwwwwww. Trust me, I know).

I rose (well, actually I just opened my eyes) this morning feeling rotten – again.  Clearly, this sinusitis was not going anywhere quietly or easily.  Oh, and combine this with the fact that I haven’t “done my business” (as Finally Five, a/k/a our daughter says) in about a week.  I look like I’m 7 months pregnant (and that, I’m definitely NOT).

So, the HOTY reached out for my Oncologist who immediately put me back on the steroids (because they decrease the inflammatory process caused by sinusitis).  By the way, you may be interested to know that in medical terminology, words ending in “-itis” refer to “inflammation”.  An interesting tidbit with which I am way too familiar.

So, more steroids.  Those damn steroids (I’m allowed to say that because of the ‘roid rage side effect that inevitably comes when I take them. Because of the wretched effect that steroids have on me, my Oncologist really wanted to avoid them.  He really did. But he knew (and I knew) that there was no other choice.  We have to get rid of this inflammatory process that is insanely painful in my head.

In addition to the sinister sinusitis, I am dehydrated.  I mean waaaaaaaay dehydrated – as in I look like a PRUNE (which could explain the lack of “business” situation as well).  So, I’m back on IV fluids at home.

Today’s diagnosis:  Persistent Sinusitis with a side of Prunes.  Delish.

An almost exact image of my likeness today

I’m really, really, really hoping that these steroids and fluids work to right me.  This is supposed to be my “good” week and I desperately need a “good” week, filled with even a glimmer of health and strength.

Several Silver Lining’s today, first and foremost of which is my health care team.  My doctors and nurses are the ULTIMATE in Silver Linings.  They provide not only physical relief (or valiant attempts at it), but just as important, emotional relief and affirmation.

Another SL is that my next article is available on The Huffington Post, this week as a featured blog on the “Living” page.  In this post, I discuss how we told Finally Five about chemotherapy treatment. Please feel free to forward to family, friends and colleagues.

The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don’t want, drink what you don’t like, and do what you’d rather not.

Thanks, Mark Twain, for pointing out the obvious in my day and for helping me know that yes, indeed, I have to take the steroids.

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  1. Hi sweetie,
    Oh, I had chronic sinus infections on Kauai from my horrid allergies and literally needed pain meds for them…I know how much it ACHES AND THROBS in your poor head. I'm glad you are out of the hospital, but so sorry you are needing IV fluids again. I am visualizing and praying you get the good week you NEED right now!!!!!!
    Rest, rest, rest (I'm sure that's not much else your little body can manage right now) and I hope the IV fluids help get things "moving":) Hang in there sister, keep finding the SL's and knowing you can find them when you're feeling miserable is an inspiration to us all.
    By the way, I shared your blog with my aunt who last year went through almost the exact same surgery/treatment you are going through now. She is now feeling great, back to work and full of life, and was so appreciative of the information you are sharing because she said she felt so isolated in her experience and so stuck in "her cave" during the process. Please know you are reaching so many people, and bringing a sense of community to those you will never even meet or hear from. It is an act of kindness to share your experience during the throes of feel like a train wreck.

  2. Just got caught up with all you are going through. As if feeling tired from chemo is not enough, you get an infection!! Thanks for the silver linings. Thanks for Christopher Reeve's comment about hope. I know you feel for those who cannot retain it. I am inspired always by your blogs. Thank you.

  3. Holley,

    Hang in there girl – you are such a fighter. As I tell my children (and myself) Bad days end, good days come again….

    With love


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