What to Say (or Not to Say) #5

While I was sitting with my girlfriend yesterday as she received her first infusion of chemotherapy, we were talking about all of the things that she has heard since her f-bomb diagnosis.  The one that has been the most difficult (aggravating!!!) for her to hear is any reference to her being “fine.” I remembered having the same feelings when anyone said it to me. So, here’s another option:

I started this series because I know how hard it is to be a friend to someone who has cancer. Ugh. My intent is to build compassion (both for the patient AND the friend) and to illustrate behaviors and words that many cancer patients appreciate. You can view, discuss and share all the graphics here.

As always, I’d love to hear your input!  Wishing you a day full of Silver Linings!



  1. Hi.
    Might I be able to find help from you? There is a biologic therapy in phase 3 trials, called Reolysin. It is a modified form of reovirus we've all had by the time we're 20. It's harmless to human cells. Totally non toxic – harmless. It has the key to the front door of most non small cell squamous cell cancers having the ras5 pathway (that's almost all of them). It enters, reproduces 'til the cell bursts, and moves on to its neighbors. The Reolysin has been modified so that the human immune system has a harder time recognizing it, thus allowing it to reach cancer cells via the bloodstream (previously, it was direct injection, only). Reolysin has produced up to 85% positive results (stabilization to shrinkage) in the phase 2 stage 4 metastatic lung cancer trial.
    Genentech has just had a new breast cancer drug put on early approval for extending breast cancer patients' lives for six months. In a couple of months, it'll be available to all who can benefit from it.
    No one seems to know about Reolysin. It is non toxic – harmless. Google it. You'll see. It kills cancer cells. Without hurting the patient. It should be available to the thousands of nscsc sufferers who are in "palliative" care, so they can be in therapeutic care, and have a much better chance to live.
    Please verify what I'm saying and spread the word. The FDA needs to face a hue and cry from the public. Please help.
    William Mills

  2. Hi Hollye,

    I have recently taken the reins of an existing non-profit whose mission was to promote policy development for post surgical garments and prosthesis for breast cancer survivors. Upon my arrival, I realized we had a much broader mission to deal with and that was "survivorship". I renamed the organization and focused our mission statement to "advocate for breast cancer survivorship through the education and mentoring of healthcare professionals and care givers".

    To date, this past March, we have sponsored a survivorship symposium for breast cancer surgeon fellows going into their own practice – it was a resounding success. We are planning to sponsor another in March 2013. Our goal is to be able to work with oncologists and promote nurse navigators to make the journey through this devastating disease an easier road and turn survivors into thrivers.

    I would love to discuss how we could work with one another to further our mutual cause.

    It is two years and three months for me.

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