Deidre's Silver Linings

I have just spent the last 3 hours reading your “Silver Lining” story of your experiences with and surviving Breast Cancer.

This is my story: I am an educator, a wife, a daughter, a sister and a mother of 3 (one daughter 15, a 14 & 8 yr. old son. I was on with my normal busy hectic life. When, I decided to call in to have a routine yearly check up. When, it hit me that I had cancelled the previous year”s appointment. When, I arrived my doctor was called away to assist with someone giving birth, so they (nurses) asked if I would like to see the physician’s assistant. Well, I said of course (since I really have a thing about going & sitting for hours at doctor’s offices). Everything was going great as I we were coming to the finishing up of this check-up. When the PA asked if I have had a mammogram lately. I responded “no” instantly she said “well, let’s schedule you”. I immediately felt something within. I asked “why? Did you feel something? The PA smiled and said I’m quite sure it’s nothing. Not to worry. Which meant “worry, worry & worry. So, she wrote a prescription & within the next two days I was determined to get in there for a mammogram and refused to wait for the two week appointment that I was given. I called every hour even twice asking if anyone had cancelled. What do you know someone did. 

Well, mammogram Nov. 6, 2010 Onto a biopsy…

I’m arriving at work with fifteen 7 & 8 year olds. When I received a phone call saying the Dr. wanted to speak to me. Let’s say I had no words. My body was instantly frozen as I said OK. F-Bomb ” “you do have cancer. We encourage you to come in and discuss your results. 

Now, mind you I have 15 little bodies all around me I told them I needed 15 min. of quiet time. I needed to pick myself up as best as I could. 

I asked a co-worker to assist me for 30 minutes. Realizing I am going to be no good here at work. I called several doctors that I had researched within 30 minutes. All telling me I had to wait for 2-3 weeks for a consultation. I knew I would be able to cope with the unknown so, I kept calling oncologist until one Dr. happen to answer the phone. I told him I was just notified and don’t think I’ll be able to sleep until I speak to an Oncologist. What do you know he said “he’ll eat lunch and talk to me at the same time”. Wow!!! I told him I had no results in hand. He said, “not to worry, I’m on the board I can get your results”.

Jumping ahead My family, my team of doctors and myself decided that the best plan for me would be the chemo first. Then surgery following up with radiation.
January of 2011 was the beginning with the Port. I went in early in the morning to outpatient surgery with my husband, mom & best friend very, very nervous. The anethesia that was given to me was local so, I woke up an unconsciously touched the area. CONTAMINATED! F-bomb

Went in the following week and the port placement was a success. Immediately, starting the six cyles of chemotherapy (TAC) as well. I was sick beyond sick. I know exactly what you mean with my emotions where now out of control more than ever. The changes that my body went through were hair loss, weight loss (not good I’m only 120 lbs.), loss of appetite, constant numbness in hands feet and changes in skin color. Well, I survived the chemo! Special thanks to the Hubby, Mom & kids.
Next phase, July 2011 decided on the lumpectomy with reconstruction to be followed months later. The morning of the surgery I had friends and family with me so, that left little time for the emotions to be visible. Within, I was anxious and nervous actually, the most I had ever been in my entire life. When the nurses came to get me to wheel me into the surgical area. My entire body was trembling uncontrollably then I was out before counting to 5.

When I woke up I had the Hubby & mom there I startled anxiously asking how do I look thinking for the worst. When, in comes the doctor saying “good news”. Your chemo even though it made you sicker than ever worked better than ever. I said, “explain”, the doctor said that when he went to oopen me up there was no signs of where cyst 1 or 2 were. The chemo not only shrunk them but left very little for them to have to clean up. So, I was able to preserve 98 % of my breast. I still had to receive 25 radiation treatments. Which I thought were a breeze. Actually, no side effects for me. I guess someone took pity on me since my chemo was horrible!!!!!!!!!

Well, it’s now 5 months later since my life changing experiences. I am 3 months back to work after taking a year off & very thankful that I am for the first time EVER expressing what I have gone through. I am so thankful that GLITTER GUIDE introduced me to you through your website which is such a SILVER LINING. You & your story lifted a lot of inside healing for me today. Thank You Again,

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