A Perfect Day – Question a Week

One of the things on my “Mental” list of New Year’s Intentions is to “Think More Deeply.”  In my zippididoodah life, I find that I go from one thing to another at warp speed without taking the time to actually think (sound familiar?). Yesterday, in fact, I went to bed (at 9:00 because I couldn’t stay awake anymore) and wondered, WTF did I do today?  Geesh. Suffice it to say that there hasn’t been a whole lot of “Deep Thinking” going on.

This Mental Intention sounded good (great?) but the reality was that I simultaneously wondered how on earth I was going to finagle it.

In the spirit of full disclosure, I have a tendency to think about things in a dreamy, philosophical way first and then the other side of my brain is left wondering how the f-bomb I could possibly bring those dreams to fruition. But, I digress…

Back to this intention of thinking more deeply…The practical side of my brain thought that asking myself questions could/would illicit deep(er) thought(s). Not so hard, right? (That’s not a trick question!)

That same practical side of my brain also thought — going out on a limb, here — that you, my dear readers, might be interested in joining me in this this exercise. So, I’m going to ask us to consider a “Question a Week” to ponder and to help us think more deeply. A (big!) personal Silver Lining would be for you to share your thoughts…

So, for the first week, please allow me to ask:

What are the ingredients for a perfect day?



  1. A sunrise,sunshine,flowers,an act of kindness,accomplishment,laughter with loved ones,wine, music,something yummy to eat….beautiful sunset!!! Viola!!
    Have a great day!!

  2. I must say that I do like Mary's perfect day, and mine would be similar, but with a few exceptions. I must admit I don't get up early enough to see the sunrise; nor do we have flowers to admire in Omaha at this time of year.
    However I must include an act of kindness, a satisfying accomplishment for the day, something yummy to indulge my appetite, and a good laugh with a friend and/or loved one. And yes to view one of Nebraska's beautiful sunsets with a glass of wine in hand. That would be a lovely day for me.
    (Thanks Mary for your inspiration.)

  3. Waking up whenever I wanted to, the smell of coffee wafting up the stairs. Instead of the snow, and blustery winds, there would be warm sunshine and 65 degree weather. My husband and I would take our dog for a walk. We'd go out for lunch. I would pay for someone else's lunch, a random table behind me, maybe an elderly couple or a man or woman eating alone. I would do it for them and for me. We would live near the ocean, in a house that had big windows where I could see the sand and the waves and fall a sleep at night to the sound of the crashing waves. Our children would be married, have kids and be happy.We would all be healthy. That's perfection.

    1. Wow, Laurie. that sounds perfect. Absolutely perfect, indeed. I hope that you get to have that day (or even part of it!) sooner rather than later. Thank you so much for sharing!

  4. A perfect day would be 72 degrees at the beach, sunny but breezy. My husband and all my kids and grandkids would be there as well and nothing planned to do, just free time spent as one wishes.

    1. Sounds absolutely wonderful, Susan. I sure hope that you get to have this day one day sooner rather than later! Thank you for sharing your perfect day!

  5. I have many perfect days. The key is to keep my vibration tuned to love and thankfulness. So no matter what is on the agenda for the day it all runs smoothly and happily. Of course that hot coffee, quiet time and nature time is part of it………………………….smelling the coffee, touching the trees or flowers, and ending up staring at the night sky……………………..

  6. perfect day . . . hmm . . . waking up pain free – – one knee replacement and one on the way – – steps are murder! . . . and I'd like to do that waking up in a very hot climate – – Florida sounds good about now. A good book, a good lounge chair and a swimming pool within steps.

  7. Have been watching since you began, I think I may have posted once. I am a 5yr survivor of bilateral breast cancer. I was blessed that although I had to have a bilateral mastectomy, I did not have to do chemo or rads. I have been and will continue to be on an aromatase inhibitor.
    Silver Linings……I appreciate the imagery. It does not deny the storm that is underneath it, but does represent some of the potential for incredible things to happen in spite of the storm.

    My ingredients for a perfect day sound very much like so many others here. My ingredients would be a good cup of coffee to start, a massage, time in my studio painting or working with glass, play with my dogs and have cuddle time with my cats. The perfect day would definately include having my kids and grand kids with me. I love hopeful sunrises and peaceful sunsets, dark starry nights and nights that glow from the full moon. A day with no pain, time in the forest, a refreshing nap, puttering in my garden. And I have to say, I do at least one of these activities every day!

    1. Hi There Kimberly,
      Thank you for commenting again. I sure do appreciate it!
      Your day sounds amazing. Love the studio idea followed by a magnificent afternoon and evening.
      The best part of your comment is the fact that you get to do at least one of the activities each day. Wonderful!
      Thank you for staying in touch.
      All my best wishes for good health.
      Take good care!

  8. A perfect day- would be to waken with no worries. to see the faces of my children, happy and worry free- to take my daily walk, watching the sun rise as my dog stops to sniff each new smell- really the same smells he takes every day- To be able to appreciate the wonder of the old as tho it was the first time I had ever experienced it. To learn to live in the present, absorbing and enjoying each experience.

    1. Oh my goodness, Barbara. This sounds amazing. Absolutely wonderful. I hope that you get to have this day soon and often! Thank you for sharing!

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