
The last two Questions of the Week have garnered the most AMAZING responses. I have been blown away and utterly inspired which has been a wonderful Silver Lining! THANK YOU so much for sharing! This week, I’m wondering…

It occurred to me that I haven’t been sharing my answers. Whoopsie!  So, here we go for this week:

I am sentimental about:

  1. People afflicted by disease and death, especially children.
  2. Abandoned and neglected animals.
  3. Sunrises and sunsets.
  4. Mary Oliver’s poetry.
  5. A delicious meal.
  6. People in the bottomless pit of chemo despair.
  7. My family, including beloved Buzz.
  8. The south of France, where the HOTY and I went for our honeymoon.
  9. Soldiers in the military stationed far away from home & their families who worry about them every minute of every day.
  10. The Silver Linings that have come from having FBC.


  1. Sentimental – oh my goodness, too many things get me going. My husband, family, old photographs, far away friends, reading blog posts & seeing all the support online, the urge to travel, sunshine through the window, holidays, summertime . . . anything with happiness attached to the memory, and anytime people give support to one another.

    That’s the good stuff. 🙂

  2. I love your thoughtful list, Hollye. Mine would be similar. I would have to include my home and garden. Not so much about how they look but more about how they feel. They are a sanctuary to me. If you like Mary Oliver, you might also enjoy Pablo Neruda. I'm drawn to those people with a cancer diagnosis too. My daughter wrote to me last night from college and one of her friends had to withdraw because of a diagnosis of Lymphoma. She is in her early 20's and her indentical twin sister was diagnosed with the same thing two years ago. So, one sister is starting chemo and the other is raising money for the Canadian Cancer Society in the Ride to Conquer Cancer. A 2 day bike trip from Vancouver to Seattle. An incredible story of heartbreak and courage. We hear about these incredible stories all the time. I am constantly amazed by ordinary people (if there is such a thing) doing extraordinary things!

    1. Ahhhh, yes, Kim. It's all about the feelings. Love the description of your garden and home as a "sanctuary". Beautiful.
      Wow, what a story about your daughter's friend. Heartbreak & courage indeed. THank you for sharing!

  3. There are two things that make me sentimental, one general and one personal, however both of them always crunch my heart to it's pulp.

    1. (General one) To be the witness of KINDNESS in others. It not only moves me profoundly, but it restores my faith in humanity in a nano second.
    e.g.: I had a happy weepy moment of this just last night, when Diane Sawyer closed her flagship ABC News show with this video:….


    2. (Personal one) The absolute unfaltering ADORATION I feel for my almost 4 year old Maltese, and the doubtless knowledge that my DEVOTION for her is truly, madly, deeply reciprocated it.

  4. I love all the pictures I have of all the family.They are in a chest right by the front door in case of fire,they go out first.My record albums would be next.Music can bring back so many memories.My husband of 49 years .He is my heart and soul.Christmas when we all can be together.I have four grown children and four almost grown grandchildren.And My mother is still alive at 90 years old.I,m truly blessed.

  5. Reading all of these sentiments on what strikes the sentimental strings of your hearts made me aware of just how much alike we all are; for many of your choices were mine as well. The sunsets, sunshine, family, friends, trips, cards & letters, old photos, pets, acts of random kindness, strength to face cancer, etc. we share in common gratitude. Thus, I often feel pretty sentimental towards all of you whom I feel inspire me to hang tough and to enjoy my life wherever it may take me.

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