Be Quiet

The Value of Quiet |  The Silver Pen

Be Quiet

Quiet time is a very important part of my day. Lately, I’ve been prioritizing it – big time. My favorite – quiet – time of the day is during the wee hours of the morning because our home is silent (well, after I feed the always-hungry Buzz). It is the time when I anchor my thoughts and prepare for the day.

The thing about quiet time is that it allows me to reflect on what I have done and think about where I am going.  I believe that quiet time gives us the space to make sure that we are doing what we want to do and making the progress we want–not just keeping busy.

Recently I read (for the life of me, I can’t remember where!) “Our be-ing informs our do-ing.”  How great is that?  I love it.

Quiet time is also important for children. It enables them to take their experiences –their doing– and assimilate those experiences into their being.  We, child and adult, need opportunities to simply sit, rest, observe, quietly explore and be. We need to offer a balance between activity with tranquil and undisturbed time.

Benefits of Quiet time:

  1. Peacefulness
  2. Understanding
  3. Direction
  4. Clarity

Here are four tips to make the most of your quiet time:

  1. Pick the best time for you.
  2. Choose the perfect spot.
  3. Turn off all electronics, including the television, cell phone and radio.
  4.  Have quiet time for at least 15 minutes.

Are you able to have quiet time each day? If so, what are the benefits for you?




  1. The old adage, "Silence is Golden" is so true, and it is the perfect time to meditate, ponder, and calm our thoughts. My alone and quiet time is after I first get up in the morning, before my husband arises. It is sometimes only 10 min., and other times up to 1/2 hour.

    I like your quote, "our be-ing informs our do-ing". We need the quiet time to ourselves to make decisions and discern what is most important to accomplish in our day.

  2. You KNOW how much I need my quiet time Hollye! It clears my head and clarifies my thoughts so I can move forward with purpose. When I feel overwhelmed with a lot of things to get done, I take a rest and let my thoughts flow, it allows me to realize what should be done first and helps me move forward effectively. xo Cynthia

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