Bookworm: Me Before You

Me Before You

Do you have book constipation? I had a BAD case of it in December. My oh my. I’m happy to say that my 2014 has started off with two hummm-dinger titles. The first of which is Me Before You by JoJo Myes.

A girlfriend of mine – who always has the best recommendations, by the way – posted the cover of this book on Instagram with a note saying that she was giving herself the “gift” of reading the last 100 pages. Ok, how’s that for a (non)sales pitch?

Well, it is that good. Every time I had the book out (e.g., waiting in line at the grocery store, drinking a decaf Almond Milk Latte at French Press coffee shop), people stopped me and either said, “That is the most amazing book!” or “I’ve heard amazing things about that book.”

As I reached the last 100 pages, I silently started to cry. It didn’t stop until I turned the last page.

Though I don’t think that I could aptly describe the beauty, complexity and depth of the story, here is a little synopsis. Louisa is a working-class, 20-something, still living at home and supporting her family, including her sister’s son. When she loses her job at a neighbourhood café, she is forced to accept a six-month contract caring for Will, a 35 year-old former-Master-Of-The-Universe-turned-quadriplegic.

Lou (as she is called), robbed of her once-ambitious desire to explore the world beyond her tiny blue-collar town by a haunting encounter with a pack of drunk boys at a young age, has never truly lived. Will, previous to his accident, had the life most people only dreamed of. Lou might not know what she’s missing, but Will certainly does.

The pair immediately hate each other, and Lou swears she’ll quit, but the money is too good. She stays, enduring Will’s constant moodiness and general disdain for life. Over time, they begin to understand each other a bit better, until Lou discovers there’s more to Will’s story that she was led to believe.

I can’t tell you anything else because it would ruin the story. I can, however, tell you that the novel addresses a timely, contentious human rights issue that is going to be increasingly at the forefront of health care debate.

Hope that you enjoy it as much as I did!


  1. Loved Me Before You as well. I have yet to meet someone who doesn't agree. That and your recommendation Eleven Days were two of my favorites from last year. Can you reveal your other humdinger title from 2014? Or, if it's a state held secret, I'll settle for some other good book suggestions. Does your friend with the good titles have a blog or share her instagram? Some of my faves of 2013 were Pigeon in a Crosswalk by Jack Gray, Wonder by RJ Palacio, Life After Life by Kate Atkinson, Signature of All Things by Elizabeth Gilbert. I am one of the few who did not love the new Donna Tartt. I am happy that you are doing so well!
    Best regards,

    1. So excited, SueAnne! Thanks for sharing your list. Actually, The Goldfinch is the next one that I am sharing. So sorry you didn't like it. I'd love to hear what you didn't like about it. Just curious…
      Thanks for writing!

      1. Loved the NYC part of the Goldfinch. Loved the voice. The Vegas part was so devastatingly sad to me it was hard to get through. As a result, I think I was skipping sections so by the time I got to the Amsterdam section, I was confused and didn't care. It very well could have been my mood at the time. I tried to get through it over the holidays which was not a very bright move. I know I am one of the few who feels this way. Maybe when the book is in paperback and not so heavy physically to hold (I prefer old school/non-electronic books), I'll try it again.
        All the best,

        1. That makes a lot of sense, SueAnne. It was devastating – for sure! I'm old school as well, by the way.
          I also recently re-read The China Study. Powerhouse.
          Look forward to your next book selection! 🙂

  2. I loved, loved, loved, loved this book! It did such an incredible job at forcing us all to give so much thought to each of our situations. What a story…and I'm sure not unique in its fictional qualities ;-(!

    1. You're so right, Kathy. I am sure that there are so many people in comparable situations. I saw this first-hand as a hospice nurse. So glad you enjoyed it!

  3. Stop it! I can't resist buying every book you tell me and although I'm constantly reading I'm piled high on the waiting list. Yet, as I said, I can't resist your reccommendations because they are always winners!

  4. With your recommendation I will put it in on reserve with my library so I can plan to read it soon. Thanks, Hollye.

  5. Thank you. I'll take a look at The China Study. That's the food/nutrition guide, right? It's the only China Study book I found.

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