The Silver Lining A Supportive and Insightful Guide to Breast Cancer

Today is a HUMONGOUS, Silver Lining day on The Silver Pen!  I am thrilled – over the moon, actually – to announce the upcoming publication of the book that so many of you encouraged me to write: The Silver Lining: An Insightful Guide to the Realities of Breast Cancer. 

It will be published by Simon & Schuster on March 18th, 2014! (I can’t believe that I just wrote that!). In fact, pre-orders are already available here:

Over the past 2 1/2 years, so many of you have said to me, “You need to write a book.”  Well, I listened. And pondered. And realized that I have the opportunity to combine my personal and professional experiences to help everyone who has faced, gone through and/or survived breast cancer. This is the ultimate Silver Lining.

My partner is Elizabeth Messina, the amazing photographer whose images grace and beautify The Silver Pen. This photographic collaboration with Elizabeth was an unanticipated Silver Lining of my illness that began, as many wonderful things do, over a laugh and a cry.

Here’s a little background:Shortly after my surgery, in a gesture of friendship, Elizabeth offered to photograph me. Her vision—literally and figuratively—was one of the brightest and most insightful lights in this dark period. When I looked in the mirror, the reflection that I saw was of the ravages of cancer. Elizabeth’s gift of love, through her imagery, was to show my true reflection. She enabled me to see that I was still Me, full of light, love, and joy. I hope that this book, told through words and photography, will inspire and support you throughout your journey.

This book is the book that I wish that I had when I was going through it. I looked and looked and looked and couldn’t find it. So we created it. The Silver Lining is balanced with substance, beauty, humor, and hope.

Though I can’t prepare you for everything that you may (or may not) experience during your treatment, what I can do is hold your hand and guide you through the process.

If you – or anyone you know – would benefit from this book, would you consider pre-ordering it? I’m learning that pre-orders are a big deal in the book biz. In other words, the more you have the better.

My ultimate goal is to get this book into the hands of the people who need it. Thank you as always for your incredible support and encouragement!


  1. I am so happy this book is becoming a reality. If your book tour comes to Indiana I will be in line to meet you, and personally thank you for giving a voice to so many questions, fears, concerns. You have definitely been a silver lining for me. I am giving you a hug right now!

  2. Congratulations Hollye, wonderful news! I think your silver linings have been useful even I have not had cancer myself. They help me to appreaciate health, support my ill friends and I find a lot of joy and peace in your words. The photos are so lovely.

  3. Congratulations Hollye! It looks beautiful, and I love the way you wrote this post. The words you use to describe yourself when you looked in the mirror – full of light, love and joy – seem to describe this book too. What a reflection of you.

  4. Oh happy day! And congratulations on your book coming out in March! When I saw the cover here I was so excited for you! I love the cover, with you in your sparkly heels, your cherished books, and your crown of victory. I can hardly wait to read it, and to see more of Elizabeth Messina's great photography of you. You have been such a silver lining of inspiration in my life, Hollye. When your book comes out and reaches many more readers, they too will find in you that same silver lining.

    Hooray for your Book Day!!

  5. Congratulations Hollye!!! I have been reading your blog since the beginning and following your success with great joy. Congratulations – you are an inspiration! Miss you, wish you were still on the board….Susan

  6. So very excited…….whenever I meet someone who has been diagnosed I always tell them about you. You are the only site I enjoy reading. I need business cards to promote it LOL!!! I will preorder today.


      1. I would love a few cards. BC is all too common in Seattle. My address is
        Jennifer Broughton
        2741 204th Lane NE
        Sammamish, WA 98074

        also love the cover…beautiful photo!! Elizabeth's work is amazing and such a perfect compliment. Take care!

  7. Congratulations! Judging by the cover (which you're not supposed to do) this is going to be a great book! I'm impressed by your amazing energy and direction in getting this done. I'm so happy for you. You should be very proud of yourself.

    1. Oh I always judge a book by a cover…which is why we tried to make ours beautiful and engaging. Hope it does the trick. Thank you for your support!

    What a gorgeous cover, can't wait to read…..I'm so happy for you.
    Excuse me now, have to go pre-order…..:-)

  9. Congratulations! This is a wonderful achievement for you personally and will be an incredible resource for anyone who get diagnosed with breast cancer. Thank you for sharing your story!

  10. How fantastic is this news ! Sharing your insights , knowledge and humor is a huge Silver Lining for those in need . Hats off to you and Elizabeth for all this hard work and dedication . Lovingly , A

  11. Your book will be a huge help to those who will go through this disease in the future. You should be proud to have made so many significant contributions.

  12. O Happy Day! I'm so thrilled and inspired, Hollye! The cover promises all of the beauty and depth we experience here on The Silver Pen, in a book…what a tremendous accomplishment and gift. Congratulations!

  13. Oh, what a wonderful day! I am so very excited for you, Hollye, and for all of the people whose days will be brighter and a bit more hopeful based on your beautiful wisdom. My deepest congratulations and I am pre-ordering this minute!


  14. Dear Hollye,

    I was thrilled when I saw this today! I studied the cover and see three things you love – Suddenly Seven, books and shoes! I have always wondered what you would do for a cover – WOW! Just exquisite!

    I am so happy for you! I will definitely pre-order several copies!


    Ashley Parker

  15. Oh my gosh, Hollye! Congratulations!!!!!!! The cover is absolutely beautiful. I can't wait to read it (and recommend it!) You've given so much and I have gained so much from you're wonderful, helpful and beautiful blog. Such an achievement and a gift to us all ….no wonder you've felt so much professional pressure lately…. Thank you!
    A faithful reader,

  16. my darling hollye – you are a luminous & soulful woman – i feel so honored to have been by your side through this – you are truly a beautiful human being & this book is a reflection of YOUR boundless SILVER LININGS – much love, elizabeth

  17. Been holding my breath for this. The wait is over! Kudos and off to pre-order! The Midwest can't wait for your visit!

  18. Fabulous! Exciting! Can't wait!
    You've worked so hard to make this happen.
    We are looking forward to celebrating the publication with you
    and holding this beautiful book in our hands.
    Preorder, here we come!

  19. I just pre-ordered your book. I can't wait to get my hands on it! I finished chemo one week ago today. I will be having surgery in a few weeks and then radiation. I have also worked in the medical field for 15 years. Thank you in advance for the courage to write this book and be a blessing to others.

    1. Thank you for your note, Susan. I hope that the book is helpful and that you enjoy it. Please take good care of yourself during the next legs of your treatment(s). Let me know how I can help. Very best wishes to you! Hollye

      1. I'm scheduled for surgery on April 7th, followed by radiation. I'm having conflicting opinions on having expanders placed at the time of mastectomy. Any advise? My oncologist is against it because he has had two recent patients who have rejected them and one who developed an open wound during radiation. Radiation oncologist is ok as well as surgical oncologist and plastic surgeon. So confused and surgery is so close.

        1. Hi Susan! Thank you for your comment. I also had conflicting opinions on what to do and what not to do. Managing conflicting opinions is definitely challenging! While I would not be able to comment or offer medical advice, my #1 guiding light when I made my own decisions was to listen to my inner voice and follow my intuition.
          You can also ask the radiation oncologist, the surgical oncologist & the plastic surgeon how many times their patients have rejected expanders. What is their success rate? What is their rejection rate? …and in the event that a rejection would happen, how would it be treated? Would radiation be delayed? Also, you want to know that the surgical oncologist and plastic surgeon have worked together a lot in the past. This is really important as well!
          I hope that this helps. Sending my very best wishes!

  20. I think this book would be very valuable to my cousin, in Sweden, who is a mother and wife, battling breast cancer, and feeling as though nobody understands what she is going through (she's right, we don't!); is it available in other languages, or will it be soon (I'm wondering about Swedish in particular)? Thank you!

    1. Thank you for writing, Maria. It is not yet available in other languages, but we are working on it! Very best wishes to your cousin.

  21. Good Morning,
    I just watched you on Dr. Phil; do you think this book would help someone who just found out they cancer in different areas, but not breast cancer? Thank you so much.

    1. Thank you Shelley! I actually do think that it would be helpful in all areas of cancer. Thank YOU for writing and best wishes to the person who was just diagnosed!

  22. i am a breast cancer survivor diagnosed 2013. I however had a completely different walk with cancer. I struggle to see the light everyday of my sickness. I have no insurance and a job that pays 12.00 per hour. I need some light .. thank you for writing your book. Please assist with support groups or people

    1. Absolutely, Karen. I hope that this book helps you. Sending all of my very best wishes to you!

  23. Hollye, I was over the moon when my sister told me that you wrote a book. Your journaling during treatment was very theraputic and validified what I was feeling and going through at the same time as you.I look forward to getting a copy and recommending to the support group that I belonged to before I moved. I hope all is well with you and every future appointment will bring good news.

    1. Thank you so much, Sharon! I hope that you & your support group enjoy it and find it helpful.
      Very best wishes to you.

  24. My name is Trudy Overlin and I am on a committe within our Soroptimist International of Corvallis Oregon club who puts together Soroptimist Care's packages for Women who have been diagnosed with Breast Cancer. I was hoping to find a source to purchase these books in a quantity as we are a 501 C 3 Charity and the books will be distributed to women who are diagnosed through our affiliation with the HER project with Good Samaritan Hospital and the Corvallis Clinic here in Corvallis Oregon and within Benton County Oregon. I would love to hear what we could do for a special price. Thank you!

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