Time Management and Getting things DONE

Time Management Tools, TheSilverPen.comAnother weekend was spent with way too much time at my computer. My To Do list is seemingly miles long…and getting longer by the minute. My face is broken out from stress (and a few too many gluten-filled cookies) and there are Birkin Bags under my eyes.

Oh and the HOTY (a/k/a Husband of the Year) keeps asking me why all of my work seems to be taking so long these days. Dumbfounded, I don’t seem to have an answer.

Realizing that I am in need of some Silver Linings and balance, I have taken some much needed time to consider how to better manage my time while simultaneously getting things DONE.

Here are five things that I have done today that have already resulted in increased productivity and a peaceful mind:

  1. Exercise. Running and hiking are my mind clearing, energy boosting activities. I realized that with so many things to do I felt like I didn’t have the time. That was a humongous mistake. It is exercise that enables me to do what I need to do when I need to do it!
  2. Walk away from the computer for 30 minutes. Yep. That’s right. Taking a break from the screen helps me gather my thoughts and focus my attention. Everything – emails, voicemail messages, all of it – WILL still be there when you return. The Silver Lining is that I always feel more refreshed!
  3. Go back to pen and paper. When I walk away from my computer, I often take my Silver Pen journal out to my porch to jot notes and prioritize tasks. The Silver Lining is that I inevitably take a few deep breaths and stretch between thoughts. Time Management, The Silver Pen
  4. Turn OFF social media. Yes, this means no Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest. Even typing all of the forms of social media is a time suck. Geesh. The truth of the matter is that Social Media makes me feel like I am a rock skipping across the water, skimming the surface without any depth.
  5. Break work down into bite-sized chunks. Lately, I’ve been easily overwhelmed. Sometimes I break big projects down into mini goals that can be completed in 15 minute increments.

What do you do to manage your time and get things done?  Any helpful hints are always greatly appreciated!



  1. When Cancer came knocking on my door, I did all those things I knew were necessary for my health. That meant closing the door on a boatload of people and projects. On top of that my mindset had to change. BEING needed to become more important that DOING. The unfortunate thing is that years later it is easy to get back on that hamster's wheel and fall into the same old patterns of the past that I know now, and intuitively then, were just not good for my mind, body or spirit. Getting back to that place is the key. Good luck!

    1. Thanks so much for sharing. I had the same life lesson of BEING rather than DOING when I was sick. Yesterday, I reminded myself that BEING is just as (if not more so!) important. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I have recently started getting emails from FlyLady.net. The site is mainly about keeping your house clean, but is really about keeping your whole life more organized and not becoming overwhelmed by the big picture so that you become paralyzed. She is a big proponent of doing things in 15 minute segments and actually setting a timer. You can get a lot done in 15 minutes.

  3. I try to set aside a portion of my day where I walk away from the computer, errands, chores, etc.; this can be for any time of day and for varying times of each day. I pray and meditate.

    I also like your suggestions, Hollye, esp. setting aside time to journal, and get your thoughts down on paper. Readers Mary Beth and Victoria also have some great suggestions I plan to try. Thanks!

  4. every day's to-do list includes many things i enjoy doing, and many i don't like so much. and every day's list is reliably longer than the day itself. so i start with the things i like to do. i like to do laundry. i like to bake. i like to have lunch with a friend. i like to water my garden. and so on. after so much fun, i'm cheerful and willing to quickly deal with the rest of the list–dishwashing, bill paying, whatever.

    this does not look efficient to others, and yet i'm getting done what needs doing, without that feeling of resentment and drudgery.

    and at the end of the day, when i mentally check back on that list, i'm happy with what i've made of those precious moments. as to exercise, i never miss my dance classes! top priority!

    1. Oh how wonderful, Susanne. Thanks so much for sharing. I love that dancing is a top priority and that you like to do laundry. So do I – always have, in fact!

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