The Silver Lining: Judging a Book By Its Cover

The Silver Lining: Judging a Book By Its Cover

In Sunday’s New York Times Book Review section, there was a great story about books and their covers, specifically the value of a good cover. The article referenced George Salter who once said that a good jacket “must be in perfect accord with the literary quality of the book. It must be even more if it is to function as an important sales factor, if it is to ‘stop’ the eye of the person passing by.” Well, I couldn’t agree more.

As you all know, I have always been upfront and forthright about my love of a good book cover. And yes, I am that girl who has a tendency to judge a book by its cover.

Well, apparently, I’m not the only one.  Last week, Elizabeth Messina (my co-author of The Silver Lining) and I received word that we needed to change our cover image. WTF? we wondered. I so loved our original cover because it felt feminine and beautiful and would (have been) a great cover for someone going through breast cancer to have on her nightstand.

Well, apparently the booksellers around the country didn’t agree.  We were told that booksellers didn’t make the connection between the cover of the book and it’s content (a supportive guide for getting through breast cancer). As the New York Times article pointed out, “It is becoming increasingly difficult to put together a good jacket. Each one needs to be approved by sales representatives, editors, art guyers and authors before it wins approval.” We sure found that out the hard way!

So, as my disappointment was uncomfortably settling in, I thought “where are the Silver Linings of this decision???”  Turns out that on tough days, Silver Linings continue appear when you look for them:

  1. The tea cup on the cover belonged to my grandmother.
  2. There is universality to drinking tea when a person is sick.
  3. The idea for this book was born while Elizabeth and I were drinking tea.
  4. The best Silver Lining of all is that Elizabeth and I love-love-love the new cover.

So, we hope that you all like it as well!  We sure would appreciate it if you would consider pre-ordering your copy today (though these booksellers don’t yet have the new image posted, the link is correct):

Thank you, as always for your support!


  1. Love the newer cover. The old one (now that I reconsider) looked a little bit like a fashion book. This new one seems more focused on the content and I like it. Good for you! I can't wait to see it come to stores near me.

  2. Hollye dear,

    I totally agree … I soooo loved the original cover … Can you use the photo in the book ? I think it was a really girly happy sophisticated picture … Hmmm
    WTF is right …
    Hearts love, Joanie

    1. Thanks, Joanie. The big Silver Lining is that Elizabeth and I actually love it and we think that ultimately it is the very best choice. Thank you for your comment! xx

  3. Love it!!!! So beautiful and calming. I'm sure it will provide much comfort to patients to have on their nightstand and the backstory of you and Elizabeth sharing tea using your grandmother's teacups makes it perfect.

  4. Wow! You're learning a lot about the publishing business. I loved that cover. Who doesn't like sparkly shoes? But I also love tea and old tea cups, so this one is beautiful, too. I hope everyone else likes this cover.

  5. Dear Hollye,

    As much as I liked the first cover, I like this one too. It does look more appropriate for the subject of the book. I love that it was a family teacup keepsake, and you can "blossom" after breast cancer.
    The book will also look nice on my night stand with my cup of tea on it. Can't wait to read it. xoxo

    1. So glad that you like it, Carolee. The "blossom" image is beautiful. I love it. thank you so much…can't wait for you to read it! xx

  6. I loved the old cover, particularly since cancer isn't just about cancer or even comfort (it can be about grace and life and beauty too). However, if it had to be changed you have found a beautiful alternative. The flowers in the teacup of gorgeous. Congratulations on another beautiful cover. ~Catherine

  7. As a former librarian, I have to agree that this is a much better book cover. As a breast cancer survivor, I think I would be more inclined to pick up the book with the new cover. And as a reader of your blog, I think the cover better represents the kind of rapport you have with your readers.
    I would have ordered the book no matter which cover was chosen; but you shouldn't fret. I think your publisher made an excellent decision.

  8. Oh, Linda…Thank You! I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. And the more that I look at it, the more I agree that the teacup is the right cover. Thank you so much for your feedback!!

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