Happy Saint Patrick’s Day

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day

Ireland is one of the most beautiful and welcoming places I’ve ever been. The people, the landscape, the music, the architecture…all are magnificent! If you ever get the chance to go, don’t hesitate!  You will be be delighted and inspired the whole time!  Wishing you a Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!

Here are some photos from Ireland fun facts about the day:

St. Patrick’s Day is observed on March 17 because that is the feast day of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. It is believed that he died on March 17 in the year 461 AD. It is also a worldwide celebration of Irish culture and history. St. Patrick’s Day is a national holiday in Ireland, and a provincial holiday in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador.

St. Patrick's Day | The Silver Pen

The actual color of St. Patrick is blue. Green became associated with St. Patrick’s Day during the 19th century. Green, in Irish legends, was worn by fairies and immortals, and also by people to encourage their crops to grow.

St. Patrick's Day | The Silver Pen

St. Patrick’s given name was Maewyn Succat.

The very first St. Patrick’s Day parade was not in Ireland. It was in Boston in 1737. St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated on the 17th because it is the day that he died in 461 AD.

St. Patrick's Day | The Silver Pen In Chicago, on St. Patrick’s Day, the rivers are dyed green. Having lived there, this was an annual tradition that we always looked forward to!

St. Patrick's Day | The Silver Pen

Shamrocks are worn on the lapel on this day. In Gaelic (the Irish language), shamrock means “young clover.”

St. Patrick's Day | The Silver Pen Many people wear green on this holiday to avoid being pinched.

St. Patrick's Day | The Silver Pen

St. Patrick did not actually drive snakes out of Ireland; the snakes represent the pagans that he converted to Christianity.
St. Patrick's Day | The Silver Pen

The phrase, “Drowning The Shamrock” is from the custom of floating the shamrock on the top of whiskey before drinking it. The Irish believe that if you keep the custom, then you will have a prosperous year.  St. Patrick's Day | The Silver Pen


  1. There must be some luck and fate happening in our family's lives – call it the luck of the Irish or what, I don't know. My sister found out just yesterday that she has breast cancer and it was like taking a hammer to her knees. No history of any cancer in our family. Today I sat down just to take a breather and watched Dr Phil. And what is one of the topics, a book on how to navigate this journey and deal with Breast Cancer. Good timing on the release of your book, Hollye, I have already ordered one for my sister!! Wish her and our family luck, as we suspect it will be a long and arduous journey for her and our family; a road we have never travelled, but will none the less conquer!! J. Thompson, Alberta Canada

    1. Wow, what amazing timing. I am so hopeful that the book is helpful to your sister. I remember the hammer feeling all too well. Sending you all of my very best wishes. Please do stay in touch. Warmly, Hollye

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