Social Media is the New Obituary

Social Media is the new Obituary,

As I mentioned on Monday’s FOMO post, we have just returned from a wonderfully long and interesting travel adventure. Speaking of which, writing this is reminding my jet-lagged  brain to upload my photos. I swear, I’m the absolute worst with jet lag. I literally get jet lag in the fall and spring when we change our clocks a mere one hour! Eleven time zones in less than a month has my head spinning.  The Silver Lining is that it is a holiday week and there is time to catch up on emails, paperwork and sleep (especially after I lay my head down on my desk for some Zzzzzz’s).

Did I mention that when I have jet lag, I ramble. Whoopsie!  Onto the content of the post.

As the HOTY and I were sitting on the plane in LA, waiting to take off on our overseas adventure, he said to me, “No facebook, Instagram, Twitter –or anything else that you do– of our trip until we get home.”

WTF, I thought. Social media is how I communicate with people from the road. Instead of dropping an f-bomb on him before our glorious trip (because that wouldn’t have been a nice way to start our vacation), I said something to the effect of, “Now why would you suggest this?”

Well, he dropped an f-bomb on me when he told me the story about how good friends of ours in Los Angeles were robbed blind when they were on vacation.  Want to know why?  Well, the thieves were watching their social media. Yep. The thieves knew that they were in Morocco and went right into their house and took everything. That really knocked my socks off.

It reminded me of the time when thieves read obituaries and proceeded to rob a person’s house while they were at the funeral. There really is a special place in he– for people like that. I mean, really. As if. 

Anyhoo, I was very careful to not to upload images from our trip until now that we are home. Such an interesting twist in this Wild West of social media and digital connectedness.

Wishing you a summer of safe, happy and fun travels!



  1. Digital connectedness can be fabulous or dangerous! It was dangerous for your friends on a trip to Morocco, as they had also let robbers know they were away from home. It seems a shame that one cannot be too careful these days; the criminal element even reads the obituaries to pick a home to burgle! Oh my, oh my!!

    Have a happy 4th of July, Hollye.

  2. There are still some good people out there. Friends were recently in Venice, while sightseeing they sat on a bench for a bit of a rest, got up and left their IPad on the bench. Some very kind (and honest!) tourists found it, tracked them down and returned their IPad. That being said, I am absolutely with the HOTY re social media communications while traveling, because you just never know! Wishing you and yours a lovely, firework-dazzling 4th of July and looking forward to seeing photos of your lovely, fantabulous travels!

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