The Power of a Lunar Eclipse

lunar eclipse | The Silver Pen

The Power of a Lunar Eclipse

Last weekend, we had a Lunar Eclispe. Did you see it?  I actually didn’t, but I sure as s**t felt it. Boy oh boy.  It was as if something completely and totally shifted in me.  I couldn’t put my exact finger on it, but the Silver Lining was that a dear girlfriend brought everything into focus.  She shared some information from astrologer Janet Kane that was absolutely illuminating and super amazingly interesting.

The Lunar Eclipse gives us opportunities to break out of our current cycles and move on to a different level.  A Lunar Eclipse can make us more aware of our cycles and patterns, and our unconscious motivations. They can bring up old memories and feelings.  As a full Moon, a Lunar Eclipse tends to bring completion or endings. On a Lunar Eclipse something will end and on a Solar Eclipse something will begin. A Lunar Eclipse is an opportunity to break habits or eliminate socially conditioned patterns of thought and behavior that stand in the way of self-realization.

Full moon eclipses can bring things to completion that you have been working on. You can finally make decisions about issues that you have been thinking about. The Sun opposite the Moon, lights up the Moon and brings previously unexamined areas of your life into awareness.  Lunar Eclipses are more emotional than Solar Eclipses.  Because a Lunar Eclipse only happens on a full moon, two houses in your natal chart will be affected.  

This is a time of letting go of old emotional habit patterns and letting go of the people that you have become dependent on. This Eclipse affects two signs; Aries and Libra.  The sign of Aries rules initiating projects, but Aries can leave projects half done, eager to go on to the next thing.  This eclipse can stir up a lot of energy which can turn into stress if it is not used in a positive way such as exercise or hard physical work.  The Libra half of this aspect rules peace and is looking for balance.  So this eclipse is all about peace versus war.  Libra can see both sides of a situation and is looking for balance.  Also Aries rules the self and Libra rules other people.  How much energy are you giving to others and depleting yourself?  Or how concentrated are you on yourself and neglecting others?

Though I don’t understand quite all of this (e.g., “natal chart”), the truth of the matter is that since the beginning of the year I have been feeling big – as in MA.JOR – shifts happening, the results of which have been on letting go of old habit patterns and clutter.  It has been really challenging, but there is something about naming it that makes me feel so much better and purposeful.

“Suffering has been stronger than all other teaching, and has taught me to understand what your heart used to be. I have been bent and broken, but – I hope – into a better shape.” – Charles Dickens, Great Expectations


  1. Great piece Holly. Intuitively I knew there must be greater meaning to such a marvel of nature. I too felt the energy.
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    Valerie Boyd Gargiulo

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