Chemo Mouth During Cancer Treatment

Chemo Mouth During Cancer Treatment

Yesterday, I had the incredible opportunity to be on the Health News: NPR morning segment. It was great fun to discuss one of my favorite topics: EATING.  This was especially poignant because the topic was: Cancer patients and lost appetite. Boy oh boy did the interview take me right back to the period when I was nauseous and/or barfing every moment of every day…and often complicated with diarrhea and constipation (sometimes on the same day)…and joined by mouth sores. So many of you will remember how I rolled (around on the floor) during chemo.  Chemotherapy can cause extreme nausea. And because of this, cancer patients often lose their appetite. But there’s something else that makes eating during this treatment unpleasant.

NPR reporter Patti Neighmond addressed yet another aspect of the relationship between chemo and food: the change in food tastes.

Below is the article and you can listen to it here.

Cancer patients often lose their appetite because chemotherapy can cause nausea. But it does something else to make food unappetizing – it changes the way things taste.

Hollye Jacobs was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010, at the age of 39. As a nurse she expected the extreme nausea that often accompanies powerful chemo therapy drugs. But as a patient, she wasn’t expecting the taste changes.

“Nothing tasted good, nothing was appealing, I didn’t have any desire whatsoever to eat,” Jacobs, of Santa Barbara, Calif., says. Food tasted like cardboard, textures were mealy and there was a near chronic taste of metal. “The metal mouth was horrible, even just saying it again, I can taste it,” she says.

This “metal mouth” is caused by the chemo. When medications are injected into the bloodstream, they also get into the saliva, and most medications have a very bitter taste, according to researcher Beverly Cowart, who studies taste and smell at the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia.

Then there’s another unpleasant side effect of chemo drugs. Foods just don’t taste the same. They’re often too sweet, too salty, too bitter or without taste at all.

Jacobs says she used to love pasta with marinara sauce, but during treatment, “one day I ate it, it literally was absolutely repulsive,” she says. “It tasted like cardboard and the tomato sauce almost had a stinging sensation in my mouth.”

One reason the taste of food changes has to do with the nature of chemo therapy itself, Cowart says. The purpose is to attack cancer cells which grow rapidly. “Unfortunately, taste cells are the same, ” says Cowart. “They turn over very fast.” This means the chemo drugs end up targeting the taste cells along with the cancer cells.

There are some things patients can do to retain their interest in food, according to Rebecca Katz. She is a chef who works with cancer patients, helping them learn how to eat and even enjoy food during treatment. Her books, The Cancer-Fighting Kitchen, and One Bite At A Time, offer lots of suggestions.

First off, try tricking your taste buds, Katz says. Use new flavors and spices, so there’s no expectation of how foods should taste. “Give your taste buds a passport for worldwide travel,” to countries like Thailand, Latin America, Spain and Morocco. Introduce new spices like cumin, cinnamon, coriander, and “all of a sudden your taste buds are tickled instead of drab,” she says.

Then there are some very practical changes patients can make. If water or food tastes like metal add a little acid, says Katz, the type found in lemons, limes and oranges. If you feel like you are eating cardboard, add salt. Sea salt is best because it’s not processed like typical table salt. If foods taste bitter or harsh, she says, a teeny drop of Grade B organic maple syrup will make it taste better.

As for fats, Katz says, “eat them!” She suggests the healthiest ones, like olive oil, coconut oil, nuts and seeds. Fat is a natural flavor carrier. “Fat is like a magic carpet traversing back and forth across your palate, delivering tastes,” she says, “so all of a sudden you have that involuntary spasm of vocal delight, turning yuck into yum.”

Katz calls this her “culinary pharmacy,” with the acronym FASS standing for fat, acid, salt and sweet. And for cancer patients FASS can spell the difference between finding meals palatable and losing interest in eating, at a time when patients need all the strength and nourishment they can get.

But Jacobs, who recently published a self-help book The Silver Lining: A Supportive and Insightful Guide to Breast Cancer,” adds a note of caution. Like many other patients she discovered that the food she ate during chemo was nearly impossible to consume once treatment was over. The memories and associations were just too strong. As a result, many patients choose not to eat their favorite foods during chemo therapy, so that when it is over, they can still enjoy the food they always loved.


  1. I'm experiencing that now- my taste buds are changing and my food doesn't taste the same. Thanks for sharing the info! I'm going to definitely trick my taste buds with different spices!

    1. Thanks for your note, Vatesha. Sending you all my very best wishes. Please stay in touch and let me know how I can help!

  2. I have found when taking chemotherapy if you eat chocolate during you don't get the metal taste in your mouth also if u use more spices with your food crushed red peppers, cummin, tumeric, peppers, onions, sweet peppers you can tolerate food better hope this helps someone I am in my 10 week of a 16 week Chemo treatment I love this book it has put so many things in perspective thank very…. much

    1. Thanks so much for your note, Jen. What kind of chocolate? Dark or milk?
      Very best wishes on the rest of your treatment. I am so happy that the book is helping. That has always been my ultimate goal!
      Take good care!

  3. I found that during chemo everything tasted bland after the first two weeks. I was repulsed by anything acidic so I avoided tomato sauce and citrus all together. I also found that ice cream tasted sour. For breakfast I could no longer eat oatmeal which is a staple for me. It was just too bland. I switched to a cereal with more texture (and sugar)- Love frosted mini wheats. I started eating basic meals like brown rice, chicken and sautéed spinach (olive oil, salt and garlic) or avocado slices (washed the outside well before slicing). Plain food, but you expect it to be plain. During chemo you aren’t supposed to eat raw fruits and veggies because of possible bacteria or contamination that did not get washed off. So I would eat applesauce (cooked) or fruits that I could wash with soap( yes soap-weird) then peeled or cooked vegetables. If I wanted ice cream, I had a natural fruit pop or cherry sorbet instead. During chemo I would bring raisins and a 100% juice box or my fave a pb sandwich on whole wheat. I also measured and drank at least 8 cups of water even when it didn’t taste good.

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