A dear friend sent me The Juicing Bible by Pat Crocker. Oh my gosh. It is AMAZING. I am so excited about it! As you know from Friday’s Fixin’s, I’ve been into juicing lately. There’s something truly magical and transformative about juicing (Silver Lining).
The first edition of The Juicing Bible won the 2000 International Cookbook Revue Award and has over 300,00 copies in print. It continues to be one of the bestselling juicing books in the marketplace, so the proof is in the pudding…I mean juice.
The book begins by laying a foundation for healthy living including: Guidelines to Good Health, Guidelines to Eating Well, Juicing as Part of a Healthy Diet and Healthy Bodies.
In the Healthy Bodies section, Crocker describes the seven major systems in the body (Cardiovascular, Nervous, Endocrine, Digestive, Musculosckeletal, Respiratory and Immune) and the role each plays in keeping the body disease-free. The information is clinically substantial, but not even remotely complicated or preachy.
The next section of the book describes a gazillion health conditions (well, 80 to be exact), from Allergies to Breastfeeding to Cancer Prevention to Constipation to Menopause to Water Retention. It is incredibly comprehensive! So, you look up your health condition (or, in my case, conditionS) and there are suggestions for Healing Foods to Eat and What to Do, including maximizing, minimizing and eliminating different types of foods and herbs.
This book is soooooo accessible and sooooo well organized (Silver Lining). Even if you’re not interested in juicing, I highly recommend it for the wealth of information that it provides. Enjoy!