The Wonders of Wheatgrass

Lazy Acres, I inevitably find myself standing in the juice bar line with an Angel on one shoulder and a Devil on the other. Here’s how the dialogue goes:
Angel: Time for a Wheatgrass Shot (in a sing-song voice).
Devil: WTF? Those make you gag.
Angel: It is so good for you (still sing-song)!
Devil: Have you SMELLED it?
Angel: You are in an energy deficit holding pattern and feel rotten. This will help you feel better (encouragingly, but serious).
Devil: Did you notice that the Wheatgrass is right next to the truffle cheese? Smell THAT.
Angel: DRINK. IT. NOW. (in a don’t f-bomb with me voice)

Fortunately, the angel always wins, but everything that the devil said is right. Though the smell of wheatgrass shots do force me plug my nose and drinking them makes me gag, I take them, knowing that they are so good for me.

WTF is wheatgrass? Sprouted from wheat seeds, wheatgrass juice is potent raw, living food. Wheatgrass is a common juicing ingredient that is high in chlorophyll, beta carotene, and antioxidants. Wheatgrass is considered a superfood because it contains virtually all the elements known, including the full spectrum of essential vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

Here are the main reasons that I (force myself to) drink it:

Project LEAD Institute, amino acids are the building blocks of protein and are absolutely essential to cell regeneration. Wheatgrass is extremely rich in protein, and contains 17 amino acids.

Wheatgrass juice is one of the best sources of living chlorophyll available, making it also high in oxygen. The brain and body function at an optimal, energized level in a highly oxygenated environment.  Wheatgrass restores energy by fulfilling the nutritional deficiencies. This is what the little angel on my shoulder meant!

Three ways to take Wheatgrass:

  • Drinking fresh juice is ideal (and the way I consume it).
  • Add powdered grass to smoothies for extra nutrition to energise you.
  • Wheatgrass tablets available in the market can also be taken as a supplement.

As with all new additions to your diet, consult with your doctor or dietician before starting on it.  I hope that it enhances your life as much as it does mine (after I choke it down!). Really, though, it’s worth it!



  1. Hi Hollye,
    I can't stomach wheatgrass either. I take chlorella in tablet form and add the powdered form to smoothies. ChlorEssence is an excellent brand name with CGF (chlorella growth factor), chlorophyll and protein. I also drink vega one (vegan nutritional shake) with 50% of daily requirement for vitamins and minerals. My supplements include a high quality multi vitamin developed for cancer patients (Sisu brand), vitamin D (6000 iu per day), omega 3, green tea supplement (equivalent to 14 cups of green tea), calcium + magnesium, ….. and call it a day. I found I disliked wheatgrass so much I didn't keep it up. I also try to eat the following things every single day: Dark leafy greens, onions, mushrooms, berries and seeds.

  2. Hey Hollye – So true…each time I drink it I find myself wishing it were a shot of Patrone which sadly goes down so much easier for me. In the end I feel much better drinking the wheat grass and do feel it is great for me.

  3. I used to always have wheat grass at the Farmers market but I could not digest it, now I take barley.
    It might be a bit bitter but it works for me. I imagine the benefits must be similar.
    A ta santé!

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