Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

You know the drill… every year on March 17th  Irish culture is celebrated by wearing the color green. When I was young I was always told that if I didn’t wear green, I would be pinched! I’m not sure by who but apparently that’s what happens…because this morning as I was leaving for my doctor’s appointment, my daughter pinched me because I wasn’t wearing green. Maybe this old wives tale was developed for old wives!

Ok, so here’s the thing: did you know that green wasn’t actually the color to be first associated with St. Patrick? The traditional color for St. Patrick was blue (yeah, I didn’t know that either!) There is actually a specific shade of blue known as St. Patrick’s blue. So where did green come from you ask? Green became associated with Ireland both because of the greenness of the landscape (it’s absolutely beautiful and I highly recommend going anytime and every time you can!) as well as the shamrock that St. Patrick used to explain the Holy Trinity in Irish Catholicism. You know how I do love trivia!

In honor of St. Patrick’s day, here are some of my fave green images as well as  some of my favorite Irish proverbs. Enjoy & don’t forget to wear green today!

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1Green | The Silver Pen

2Green | The Silver Pen

3Green | The Silver Pen

4Green | The Silver Pen

5Green | The Silver Pen

6Green | The Silver Pen


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7Green | The Silver Pen

8Green | The Silver Pen


9Green | The Silver Pen

10Green | The Silver Pen


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11Green | The Silver Pen

12Green | The Silver Pen

13Green | The Silver Pen

14Green | The Silver Pen

15Green | The Silver Pen

16Green | The Silver Pen

17Green | The Silver Pen

18Green | The Silver Pen


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19Green | The Silver Pen

20Green | The Silver Pen

21Green | The Silver Pen

22Green | The Silver Pen







  1. Love your choice of “green” pic’s – so much beauty all around. And the Irish Blessings are so inspirational. What a joyous email. Thank you, from my heart.

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