Breast Cancer Quotes & Inspiration
Silver Lining Evening – Corinne Roosevelt Robinson
This photo is from a couple of nights ago. A real SL sky makes for beautiful dreams. Stretch out your hand and receive the world’s wide gift of joy, appreciation and beauty. – Corinne Roosevelt Robinson
Silver Lining Seeking Syndrome
The word “imPOSSIBLE” has presented itself to me three specific times today. This morning this quote by Muhammad Ali came to me: Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible… Continue reading Silver Lining Seeking Syndrome
Brookside Poetry
A dear friend sent this to me. It made my heart sing and hope it does the same for you. HOKUSAI SAYS by Roger Keyes Hokusai says look carefully. He says pay attention, notice, He says keep looking, stay curious. He says there is no end to seeing. He says look forward to getting old. He… Continue reading Brookside Poetry
Silver Linings in Silver Skies
THIS is where I get to heal. Is this a SL (silver lining) or what? I feel like the luckiest girl with FBC in the world! Thank you Toby Jacobs for sharing these magnificent photographs!
Beach Bambino
Prior to surgery, we had an extraordinary Mommy-Daughter Silver Lining Beach Day. Today, we reminisced about it and it made us both so happy. A perfect day, spectacular sunshine, glorious fresh air, superb waves, and delish cupcakes. What more could a SL day ask for?