Christmas wouldn’t be complete without a little something something for Buzz. Our pet is actually easy to buy for. All he wants is treats. He continues to be (as our old dog trainer referred to him): a plunger. Yes, plunger. We literally have to put water into his bowl of food so that he doesn’t… Continue reading Gift Guide: Pets
Inspired Living & Celebrating Life
Bookworm: Capturing Camelot
My affinity for the Kennedy’s grew leaps and bounds when I met my husband. Why? Because the BOTY (at the time, Boyfriend Of The Year) had an incredible Mom! My future mother-in-law could talk for hours about the Kennedy’s. I always loved finding a new book to share (and discuss!) with her. Sadly, she died… Continue reading Bookworm: Capturing Camelot
Gift Guide: For Him
Shopping for the HOTY (Husband of The Year for new readers) is simultaneously inspiring and mind boggling. In my hunt, I have come across some really fun things that would be super fun to give…though these items won’t be under our tree because the HOTY reads the blog daily (yet another reason I love him).… Continue reading Gift Guide: For Him
The Silver Linings of Aging
Today is my birthday. There. I said it. Somehow it feels like a confession of sorts. The truth is that I’ve never been a big fan (understatement of the year) of my birthday. I love – absolutely love – other people’s birthdays. Mine? Not so much. When I was single (eons ago), I use to… Continue reading The Silver Linings of Aging
The Ultimate Gift
A Silver Lining of my weekend filled with the omnipresent sadness from the Sandy Hook tragedy was learning about Dalton Dingus. Dalton is a 9-year-old little boy dying of cystic fibrosis. His last wish is to receive a record (as in a Guinness World Record) number of Christmas cards before dying. As of this weekend, he… Continue reading The Ultimate Gift
Because They Are…
Gifts: Travel
As you know, traveling is one of my favorite things to do. Buying gifts for friends who also like to travel is one of my second favorite things to do (Silver Lining)! Here are some things that I’m especially excited to pick up this holiday season: Alexandra Knight Passport Cover and Luggage Tag J.Crew Printed… Continue reading Gifts: Travel
Writing Inspiration
I’m gearing up to do a big writing project (details to follow). Between my proclivity toward procrastination and nerve bugs, I have been in computer-avoidance mode. However, a wonderful Silver Lining came from Advice to Writers the other day. It was a list of “writing secrets” from successful writers. I took the liberty of dolling the… Continue reading Writing Inspiration
Gift Guide: Home
Giving hostess gifts is one of my favorite genre’s. Is genre a proper term for gifts? Oh who knows? Anyhoo, I really love anything and everything for the home. Not sure if my recipients feel the same way, but I sure hope so! One of my favorite places to shop in Santa Barabara is Upstairs… Continue reading Gift Guide: Home
Happy 12/12/2012! Enjoy it now because it will be another 100 years before we see another 12.12.12! On this day of triple-12s, it’s interesting to consider how pervasive the number is now and always has been. The uniqueness of the number 12 has been recognized by mathematicians, scientists, meta-physicists, and society in general since the… Continue reading 12.12.12