Morning Market Magic

Our family had a magical morning at the (farmer’s) market. Outside. In January. How’s that for a HUGE Silver Lining (SL)? It’s been a few weeks since I’ve been (I’ve been a tad busy).  I was sublimely delighted to see the winter rainbow of colors. I’ve always loved going to the Farmer’s Market.  When I… Continue reading Morning Market Magic

Silver Lining Book: The Long Way Home

Reading has been, well, a little trying for me.  Why?  Well, because FBC insists that I read and reread sentences over and over again, which makes finishing entire books a much more timely endeavor than it used to be. FFS (For F**k’s Sake). That said, I managed to finish a wonderful memoir of friendship: Let’s… Continue reading Silver Lining Book: The Long Way Home

Lucky 1.11.11

Life is not a path of coincidence, happenstance, and luck, but rather an unexplainable, meticulously charted course for one to touch the lives of others and make a difference in the world. – Barbara Dillinham

Fashion Silver Linings: Lyn Devon

As I am still couch glue, I am envisioning the fun that spring fashion that has to offer, especially from Lyn Devon ( The quote above reminds me of her. Lyn is one of my favorite designers.  We had the opportunity to meet at a dinner in Chicago to celebrate James Galanos’s mentorship of her.… Continue reading Fashion Silver Linings: Lyn Devon

Couch Glue Entertainment

Now that I am 8 days out from my first round of chemotherapy,  I was really hoping that I would be feeling better. It’s been a bear of a week (as you may have endured with me). One minute, I’ll start to feel better and then WHAM. Down the toilet (pun intended). Seemingly constant waves… Continue reading Couch Glue Entertainment