Friday's Fixin's: The Best Protein Packed Vegetable Soup

When we were playing around in the kitchen last week, Maili waved her magic creative cooking wand and came up with this amazing and fantabulous soup. I happen to think that it’s the best vegetable soup – ever. Oh dear heavens is it ever good. I scorched my tongue because I ate it when it… Continue reading Friday's Fixin's: The Best Protein Packed Vegetable Soup

Friday's Fixin's: Roasted Cauliflower and Farro Salad

  Happy Friday!  Friday? Already? Wowsy, what a week. It feels like time is moving at warp speed. And the speediness is exacerbated by the fact that I seem to be trying to pack EVERYTHING in. Geesh. Many Silver Linings, though, beginning with the fragrant flowers that seem to be exploding and the omnipresent fruits and veggies… Continue reading Friday's Fixin's: Roasted Cauliflower and Farro Salad

Friday's Fixin's: Roasted Beets

Beets are one of my favorite foods. I liked beets before I had breast cancer. The Silver Lining is that there are gobs of anti-cancer benefits of eating beets. One of the great things about beets is that they are available year-round, so whenever the craving occurs (and after you try this recipe, I pretty much guarantee… Continue reading Friday's Fixin's: Roasted Beets

Silver Lining Discovery: Kale Chips

This week I was at one of my favorite juice bars in Santa Monica and came across my new favorite and fantabulous snack, Rhythm Superfoods Kale Chips.  Oh dear heavens to Betsy, are these ever AMAZING. In addition to being totally YUMMA, the Silver Lining is that these kale chips are gluten free, vegan, organic and 95%… Continue reading Silver Lining Discovery: Kale Chips