Silver Lining Book: Syrie Maugham

A very dear friend dropped by the other day  to give me a foot rub (yes, she gave me the most thoughtful and incredible and heavenly girlfriend FOOT RUB) as well as the most wonderful gift: She gave this beautiful book to me, she said, because “you should have lived in a different era” (i.e.,… Continue reading Silver Lining Book: Syrie Maugham

Brookside Horizons

George Eliot

As I am preparing for a new decade, I am filled with hope and inspiration.  I feel like extraordinary professional and personal experiences (post-FBC) are on the horizon. Several SL’s that FBC has given me include: Quietness Vulnerability Openness Creativity Patience Vision I believe that each of these SL’s will generously give me the opportunity to… Continue reading Brookside Horizons

Silver Lining Booby Report

F-Bomb. One of the many challenges of navigating the healthcare world is that there are a trillion, no, make that a gazillion of decisions to make, informed by millions of people with trillions of opinions. So much, coming from so many directions is really, really tough to manage, both mentally and emotionally. Medicine often equal… Continue reading Silver Lining Booby Report

Brookside Dreams of Bergdorf Goodman

Is there anything better than Bergdorf Goodman, in general, but especially their Holiday Windows? Well, yes, I’m sure that I could come up with plenty of far more altruistic and philanthropic things that are “better” than the Holiday Windows at BG. Perhaps “magical” is a better word.  To me, there is absolutely nothing more magical… Continue reading Brookside Dreams of Bergdorf Goodman