10 Myths about Breast Cancer Survivorship

10 Myths about Breast Cancer Survivorship Myths and “Old Wives Tales” are an inherent part of our culture. Sometimes it is hard to figure out what is fact and what is fiction. I often find myself pondering when I hear something outlandish or even something that sounds reasonably reasonable.  When it comes to FBC, there… Continue reading 10 Myths about Breast Cancer Survivorship

Myths about F-bomb Breast Cancer

Nearly everyday, I am asked questions about breast cancer. What amazes me is the omnipresent myths and assumptions (there are soooo many!) made about the disease. Countless times each week, I’m asked: “Is such-and-such true?” “Is it not?” Recently, I came across a great article on Everyday Health (one of my favorite websites) in which oncologist… Continue reading Myths about F-bomb Breast Cancer