Moving Mountains

In my endeavor to simplify my life post FBC (F-bomb breast cancer), I am struggling. Hard.  As I reflect on my efforts, I am amazed by how complex and full of “stuff” (both literal and psychological) life seems to be. Or at least mine is.

The HOTY (a/k/a Husband of the Year) and I are discussing this concept a lot lately.  The conversations are hard because they mean making big changes in our life.  Cleaning out. Purging things that we don’t use and refraining from acquiring things that we don’t need.

This is an excellent process, though.  In fact, I find that in this recovery period, cleaning out is exactly what my mind, body and soul need. And everyday I do so, I feel a little lighter and have a little more clarity.  As if everything is beginning to come together again.

While I’m sorry that it took FBC to learn this lesson, I’m sure grateful for this Silver Lining.



  1. Another beautiful post, Hollye. For me, to simplify and change my ways has been one of the hardest things to do!! It can be lonely because it is a path less traveled, and frightening to be so honest with ourselves. Go easy, I've heard it usually takes a traumatic experience to wake up to a new way to live. It took a cancer diagnosis for me and I'm grateful for it!
    Can I recommend the book, Shambhala – The Sacred Path of the Warrior by Chogyam Trungpa. It is a secular look at basic human wisdom. It doesn't belong to any one culture or region or religious tradition – though it can be found in many of them throughout history.

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