Saturday Sweeps: Gardening

This spring I am promising myself and our daughter, a/k/a Sweetly Six that I am going to turn our two weed infested gardening beds into real, live, functioning gardens. This will certainly take a Silver Lined Herculean effort though.

Because this is my first attempt at doing solo gardening, I have given myself permission to grow the easiest of the easy and the yummiest of the yummy veggies. No, I don’t yet know what those veggies will be yet, but I will indeed learn (Silver Lining). So, this week, I found myself drawn to anything and everything garden related.

Do you all garden?  If so, what do you grow? And more importantly, how do you grow it?

Rodale’s One Pot Herb Garden

Organic Gardening’s Gardner’s To-Do List for April

Camille Styles’ Seed Packet Favors

House Beautiful’s Great Gardening Finds Under $50

A Cup of Jo’s How To Buy Houseplants (once and for all!)

Greatist’s 44 Healthy Foods Under $1 (not exactly gardening, but really great info!)

Kaufmann Mercantile’s Market and Fruit Picking Pack

Book Passage’s Mindfulness in the Garden: Zen Tools for Digging in the Dirt (book)

Rodale’s 9 Food Cures That You Can Grow

A Way To Garden’s Out-of-Synch Spring after a Non-Winter

 There is peace in the garden. Peace and Results.

– Ruth Stout


  1. We have a perennial garden . We have native grasses, bleeding hearts,ferns. Daffodils, jonquils, and tulips.they come up year after year. With a little bloom food some dead heading it is the easiest of gardens.

  2. I grow mostly flowers because veggies get bugs on them and I dont like to use a lot of cemicals.But I do put out tomatos and green peppers.THis year I,m going to try potatos .we have lived here 40 years and the yard is pretty well filled .The garden is where the above ground pool was years ago and I think the sand that was brought in helps to drain the soil.I,ve asked a friend to bring me some old horse manure,it is good for everything.Good luck.remember time in a garden is never wasted time.

    1. Thanks for your comment, Joyce. I agree about avoiding chemicals. I love the image that "time in a garden is never wasted time." That is really inspirational! Best wishes!

  3. Wonderful and mindful experience for you and Sweetly Six to get out into the garden!
    I enjoy gardening very much and have a Master Gardener certification from Van Dusen Botanical Garden in Vancouver. I would suggest you learn as much as you can about 'green gardening' in terms of fertilizers and pest control (although I'm sure you are already very aware of this:) Some cultivars are more disease resistant than others. I have many areas such as sun and shade garden, pond and patio areas, cutting garden and herb garden, but no longer grow veggies. Remember first and foremost to ammend the soil before you begin to plant, and then TRY to put the right plant in the right place in terms of sun, shade, size, time of bloom (if it does), damp or dry! This is definitely trial and error – and so much fun!!
    All the best,

  4. Nous avons un petit jardin dans lequel nous faisons pousser des fraises, des tomates , des courgettes (qui sont très faciles a faire pousser) du basilic du thym de la sauge du romarin, des fleurs… J'utilise beaucoup d'herbes fraiches en cuisinant. Les enfants adorent gratter la terre avec leurs outils en plastique. L'année dernière je n'ai pas fait de jardin, la chimio m'a trop affaiblie. Cette année je souhaite y passer du temps, ça me vide la tête et me fait du bien.

    1. Chère Valérie, Je vous remercie de votre note! Votre jardin semble magnifique. Je suis tellement heureux que cette année vous pourrez y retourner! Tous mes meilleurs voeux! Hollye

  5. How 'bout a Sweet Pea trellis for your Sweetly Six ! The flowers would look divine in your home and now you can choose color themed seed packets to coordinate with your interiors . Now I know that you love that part !!! ps… you know who would be happy to help if needed !

  6. Having a garden in SB is a gardeners dream thanks to our paradise like weather! I just planted my spring garden with seedlings from Tera Sol Nursery! Artichokes, cauliflower, eggplant, rainbow Swiss chard, lettuces, tomatoes, cucumbers, red and yellow peppers! I have a year round herb garden as well!!! I can't wait to plant zucchini and yellow squash!! Have fun with sweetly six!!! There is nothing line spending time in the garden with a loved one!!!

  7. Thanks for the very nice shout-out (and in VERY good company w/Kaufmann and Ruth Stout and so forth…among my favorites!). Wishing you a peaceful spring with less-wacky weather than I am having so far.

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