The Iron Lady with a Silver Lined Heart

How cool is Meryl Streep? I mean really. From Kramer vs. Kramer to Sophie’s Choice to The Devil Wears Prada, there is no end to her greatness.

I was exceptionally excited to see that she is the cover girl (woman?) for Vogue’s January issue. And the Silver Lining about her cover shoot?  She only agreed to do it if Vogue would also feature the crusaders for a new National Women’s History Museum, including such iconic women as Madeleine Albright, Senator Susan Collins, Senator Barbara Mikulski, Barbara Bush (not sure if she is iconic quite yet), Representative Carolyn Maloney, Patricia Nixon Cox, Dr. Maya Angelou, Representative Eleanor Holmes Norton. How fabulous is that?

I’ve long been a fan of girl power. To me, there is no greater strength or beauty in the world than when smart, kind, committed and passionate women come together to support an endeavor to make the world a better place (Silver Lining).

Here are some of the photos from this truly amazing and wonderful and powerful and Silver Lined shoot. Thank you Vogue for doing such an incredible feature! I am so excited to see Meryl Streep’s upcoming film, The Iron Lady.


  1. Like the title to this post too. I was reading about the Dalai Lama and it was said that he's like a piece of heavy duty machinery and a lotus flower. Love that!

  2. I have always been a Meryl Streep fan. I am amazed at the power of her presence. Back in 1984, pregnant with my first child (a daughter), I had just gotten fired from my job for being pregnant. Yes, it still happened back then. So, I was pregnant, bored and decided to go to a matinee. I chose "Sophies choice" only because meryl Streep was in it. I had no idea what the movie was about. When I left the theatre after the movie, I was stunned, in horror, in conflict and not truly understanding the power of the love of a mother. I think of that movie from time, I still cannot fathom the horror that she had to endure, but I smile knowing that after giving birth to that beautiful daughter of mine, I understand the fierce, powerful and all consuming love that a mother has for a child. I just love Meryl Streep, a real woman for sure

    1. What an amazing story, Katie! Wow. I can't imagine seeing that movie while pregnant. Way to see the Silver Lining found in the all consuming love that a mother has for a child. Thanks for sharing!

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