Dr. Google

Upon my dear friend’s diagnosis of a very rare form of cancer my first reaction wasn’t, “Oh no!” or even an f-bomb. The first thing that I remember saying to her is, “Don’t Google.”  (Well, actually, I probably dropped an f-bomb in there somewhere!) Now I am a stealth, rock star Googler. I love Google.… Continue reading Dr. Google

October is National (F-bomb) Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Are you wondering why gobs of buildings are illuminated pink…and why there is a proliferation of pink ribbons every (f-bomb) where?  Well, it is because October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Prior to my personal experience with FBC (f-bomb breast cancer for new readers), I knew about National Breast Cancer Awareness Month only from the illuminated… Continue reading October is National (F-bomb) Breast Cancer Awareness Month

National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day

On Saturday, September 29th (from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm), the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has scheduled National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day. WTF is it, you ask? Good question. It is an opportunity to properly rid your home of potentially dangerous, expired, unused and unwanted medications. Flushing drugs down the potty is an absolute no-no. While… Continue reading National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day

The Project LEAD Institute & The National Breast Cancer Coalition

Last week, I had the most phenomenal learning experience at the Project LEAD® Institute. LEAD stands for Leadership, Education, Advocacy and Development. The Institute is a is a five-day science course hosted by the NBCC (National Breast Cancer Coalition) covering the basics of cancer biology, genetics, epidemiology, research design and advocacy. The course was intense, informative, intriguing, and most of… Continue reading The Project LEAD Institute & The National Breast Cancer Coalition