Bad News, Good News, Silver Lining News

Bad News: Today was supposed to have been my 5th of 6 chemo infusions. However, I have not yet recovered from the last round of chemo (three  F-bomb weeks ago!). As a consequence, my Oncologist and I decided (everything is a joint decision with him – as it should be!) that I need another week… Continue reading Bad News, Good News, Silver Lining News

Sinister Sinusitis with a Side of Prunes

It was a very long, sleepless sore-throat-filled night of coughing and flipping back and forth (to get the mucus to move from one side of my sinus’ to the other – Ewwwwwww. Trust me, I know). I rose (well, actually I just opened my eyes) this morning feeling rotten – again.  Clearly, this sinusitis was… Continue reading Sinister Sinusitis with a Side of Prunes

The Treatment Train Continues

Chemo #4. Check.  Two more to go. Silver Lining! As you may remember, I  go chemo to in an outfit that makes me feel good, happy and confident.  I have always put forth an effort to look my best, no matter how I feel, and chemo infusions are no exception. So, the outfits that I wear… Continue reading The Treatment Train Continues


Chemo Sobby It’s been a rough, rough week.  Chemo last Tuesday knocked me down – HARD. F-bomb. FBC. The cumulative effect of three doses of TAC chemotherapy is really taking its toll…everywhere (body AND mind). As a matter of (pathetic) fact, I have been quite the “chemo-sobby” girl, i.e., I cry at the drop of a… Continue reading Chemo-Sobby

Brookside Dreams of Sleep

Day two post chemo.  The side effects are full on wretched – again.  No amount of drugs, acupuncture, herbs, or meditation seems to mediate, alleviate, annihilate, or eradicate or them.  (Though these words mean the same thing, I seem to have a thesaurus in my head…thinking that if I say “get rid of” differently, the side effects… Continue reading Brookside Dreams of Sleep