Friday’s Fixin’s: The Most Important Meal of the Day: The Benefits of Eating Breakfast

The Benefits of Eating Breakfast How many times have we heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? The Silver Lining is that it’s not an old wives’ tale. It really IS the most important meal of the day full of wonderful health benefits! There are lots of reasons that this is the case.… Continue reading Friday’s Fixin’s: The Most Important Meal of the Day: The Benefits of Eating Breakfast

Friday's Fixin's: Collard Greens and White Bean Soup

Recently, I came across a wonderful website called: Cook For Your Life (CFYL). It’s so great that I had to share it with you! CFYL was founded in 2007 by two-time cancer survivor Ann Ogden Gaffney. She teaches healthy cooking to people touched by cancer. CFYL believes that it’s not only the act of eating that… Continue reading Friday's Fixin's: Collard Greens and White Bean Soup