Bambino Red Gate Adventure

This weekend, the HOTY (a/k/a Husband of the Year) and our daughter Finally Five came for a visit.  I was out of my mind excited to see them! Joy of joys.     The thing that Finally Five was most excited about was not the salt water taffy in Sausilito (though that did get some… Continue reading Bambino Red Gate Adventure

Friday's Fixin's: Stupendous Snacks

Since my breast cancer diagnosis (and especially in the bottomless pit of chemo despair), I have found that I am so much more focused on what I put into my body.

While I was a healthy eater prior to this FBC nonsense, I do admit to having some unhealthy proclivities, e.g., skipping the occasional meal…or having one “big” meal/day….or not getting enough fiber and a few other unmentionables. I am learning though…which is a Silver Lining!

The Yoga Room

Yesterday, I saw a lymphedema specialist yesterday to deal with yet another side effect of breast cancer treatment. Because I am a Curious George, I had a slew of questions for her, mainly about how (if) I can get rid of this lymphedema. And if I can get rid of it, then how. And if how then what I need to do to prevent a recurrence. She sent me to The Yoga Room.

Necessary Nutrition

Once breast cancer (or any kind of cancer for that matter) enters life, nutrition ascends to the top of the priority list and stays there throughout the trajectory of treatment…and beyond.

Incorporating a Registered Dietitian (RD) into your health care team is absolutely imperative because food plays a crucial role in supporting treatment, healing and preventing recurrence. (It also helps with cancer prevention, by the way, but I missed that part!)


The quote below from Maya Angelou is one of my all-time faves. People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. I learned this lesson so vividly at the beginning of my nursing career (in the Cardiovascular Unit at an academic medical… Continue reading Sid