When I finished with radiation and came home, I had no idea that there can be an unexpected side effect to surgery, chemo and radiation: post-treatment letdown. I know. I know. How dare I suggest it? Why on earth would I think it? Well, you know by now that I am hardly the girl to shy away from a difficult topic.
Breast Cancer Radiation Treatment
Silver Lining Checkup!
A great post-radiation checkup report from San Francisco!
Bambino Red Gate Adventure
This weekend, the HOTY (a/k/a Husband of the Year) and our daughter Finally Five came for a visit. I was out of my mind excited to see them! Joy of joys. The thing that Finally Five was most excited about was not the salt water taffy in Sausilito (though that did get some… Continue reading Bambino Red Gate Adventure
Radiation Reality
Today was day 1 of 25 Radiation Treatments for my breast cancer. Radiation is the third of three legs of this treatment stool. I am hopeful that that this stool will be a strong and solid foundation that will last for generations to come.
Gettin' Ready to Radiate!
Today, I officially entered the breast cancer radiation road. Unfortunately, it is a heavily trafficked road. The Silver Lining news is that I am being cared for by an extraordinary team…including a bolus!
The Road to Radiation
Now that my chemo is DONE and my port-a-cath is OUT, it’s time to begin the Road to Radiation. Silver Lining: this is the LAST part of my treatment regimen. Yippeeee-do!
Life is an Adventure
Life is an Adventure. Take your Attitude!
The Treatment Train Continues
Chemo #4. Check. Two more to go. Silver Lining! As you may remember, I go chemo to in an outfit that makes me feel good, happy and confident. I have always put forth an effort to look my best, no matter how I feel, and chemo infusions are no exception. So, the outfits that I wear… Continue reading The Treatment Train Continues