Friday's Fixin's: Walnut and Banana Pancakes

When I was sick with that pesky breast cancer, I craved “white” food like nobody’s business. Sugar. Carbs. You name it.  Anything junky, I was all over it. However, eating sugar when you have cancer is bad-bad-bad. Why? Well, because sugar feeds cancer. Now, in my post-cancer life, I do my best to limit sugar as much as I… Continue reading Friday's Fixin's: Walnut and Banana Pancakes

Brookside Bites: Amazing Almond Bread

Unfortunately, I am still craving white, stick-to-the-ceiling bread.  Though delicious (and fun to peel off the roof of my mouth), it’s so bad for me generally, but especially with FBC. An alternative, given to me by nutritionist Dale Figtree, is Almond Bread.  OMG.  I can’t begin to tell you how delicious AND healthy this is.… Continue reading Brookside Bites: Amazing Almond Bread

Brookside Bites: PANCAKES!

Lately, all I’ve been craving is “white” food. Sugar. Carbs. You name it.  Anything junky, I’m all over it. Now, considering this week’s unsavory GI distress (and the subsequent weight loss accompanying it), one would think that the fact that I’m craving anything at all is a good thing. “Eat whatever your body wants,” The… Continue reading Brookside Bites: PANCAKES!