Bambino Bibliotherapy: Nowhere Hair

Since I’m focused on writing about kids right now (working on a couple of other posts right now), I thought I’d repost a (reader favorite) entry that I did on a super book called Nowhere Hair. In a whimsical yet normalizing way, this book addresses key (absolutely fundamental!) points when talking with children about cancer,… Continue reading Bambino Bibliotherapy: Nowhere Hair

Friday's Fixin's: Cream of Broccoli Soup (Vegan Style!)

After this holiday season of eating and drinking and indulging (including another batch of Maggie’s Pineapple Casserole), it’s time to jump back on the vegan wagon and pull out the fire hose of green juice (which equates to a ginormous glass – sometimes two – every day). Recently, I came across an amazing food blog… Continue reading Friday's Fixin's: Cream of Broccoli Soup (Vegan Style!)

Saturday Snapshots: A Holiday Weekend

What a glorious, Silver Lined weekend it is!  Hanukkah and Christmas cheer abound in Santa Barbara. Wishing you and yours a Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas and Joyous (& Healthy!) New Year! We went to a beautiful holiday party where Finally Five insisted on singing Christmas Carols (solo!). Everything about her performance, from hitting the notes… Continue reading Saturday Snapshots: A Holiday Weekend

Giving: Dream Foundation

For the past several years, I have had the great honor and privilege to be involved with one of the most amazing organizations imaginable: Dream Foundation. Dream Foundation is the first and largest national organization committed to delivering end-of-life wishes to people 18 years of age and older. As a hospice nurse and social worker,… Continue reading Giving: Dream Foundation