Life is an Adventure. Take your Attitude!
Silver Lining
Brookside Adventures: Santa Ynez
An adventure to the Santa Ynez valley was a Silver Lining addition to my week of breast cancer misery. Words cannot aptly describe the transition from the chemo pit of despair to a place of pure joy filled from animals, fresh air, sunshine, and friends.
Saturday Snapshots
I’ve realized that although I have a ridiculous (adverse) sensitivity to chemo, I also have a new and wonderfully heightened sensitivity to sights, smells and sounds (the sense of taste is long gone, a casualty of chemo).
I notice things. I pay attention. I walk slower. I take photographs. These are the Silver Linings of my experience with breast cancer.
Friday's Fixin's: Sheryl's Tuna Salad
In the event that you haven’t yet seen it, I’m super excited to introduce you to a fabulous Silver Lining cookbook: If It Makes You Healthy: More than 100 Delicious Recipes Inspired by the Season. This is a cookbook written by Sheryl Crow after her breast cancer diagnosis led her to gain interest in the nutrition of her food. Enjoy!
Next Stop on the Chemo Train
Today is Chemo #6. It was supposed to have been my final dose for breast cancer; however, since I reacted so horrifically (yes, I am UNDERexaggerating it), my chemotherapy regimen has changed, but not without finding some Silver Linings along the way.
Scarf Talk
We all have chapters in our life. Some are hard to read. Others easy. Some chapters are joyous. Others sad. The important thing to learn, grow and keep on reading!
Sunday Silver Linings
Every time I feel like I hit the pit of chemo and breast cancer despair, I find a Silver Lining. Every single time it is a SL that brings me back and makes me smile. Gives me perspective.
Saturday Snapshots
This has been a week of ups and downs (as is consistently the case with breast cancer).
However, when I look back on the week (in photographs), I ultimately feel happy and peaceful because Silver Linings always seem to shine through.
Regurgitas (Not for the squeamish)
While my reaction to the last round of chemotherapy has been better (Silver Lining), the nausea has been much more acute. What this means is that I have nausea everyday, all day, but sometimes it feels particularly bad. Well, today, that pesky nausea upped the ante.
Subscription Service Change, Part 2
Because many of you were still not receiving the daily emails for which you subscribed (sorry about that!), we are changing to the FeedBlitz subscription management service to ensure that The Silver Pen arrives in your inbox every morning. Here is some important news for you. Email Subscriptions If you were subscribed to the The… Continue reading Subscription Service Change, Part 2