Herb Ritts Exhibit at the J. Paul Getty Museum

Recently I had the great Silver Lined opportunity to be in the home of a Herb Ritts collector. Original photographs hung all over the house. I was rendered speechless (which, as you know, doesn’t happen often!). I can’t begin to tell you what an incredible experience that was. Drooling over Herb Ritts’ phenomenal talent will continue to be in… Continue reading Herb Ritts Exhibit at the J. Paul Getty Museum

Saturday Sweeps: Gardening

This spring I am promising myself and our daughter, a/k/a Sweetly Six that I am going to turn our two weed infested gardening beds into real, live, functioning gardens. This will certainly take a Silver Lined Herculean effort though. Because this is my first attempt at doing solo gardening, I have given myself permission to grow… Continue reading Saturday Sweeps: Gardening


Recently I had an amazing conversation with one of those really special people in life. You know the person…she is enlightened, progressive, smart-as-get-out and simultaneously cool, calm, collected and centered (Silver Lining). We were talking about the concept of obligation in life. Now that I’m feeling better, I’ve been feeling  obligated to do this or that. Why? Perhaps… Continue reading Action