Finally Five's Flower

The other day, our daughter, a/k/a Finally Five and our dog, Buzz, took me outside for a little sun and love, both of which I (really!) needed during this chemo week.

Finally Five decided that my “Thinking Cap” (what we kindly refer to as the cream cashmere cap that I wear when my bald head is feeling especially cold) needed some decor.  So she promptly plucked perennials and placed them lovingly into said cap.

I can only imagine what I looked like with 8 or 9 multicolored petals protruding from my Thinking Cap.

Actually, come to think of it, I must have looked pretty darn good because Finally Five beamed when she looked at me.

How’s that for a Silver Lining during this week of nausea, fatigue, hot flashes, insomnia, dizziness, and ‘roid rage?

These moments of tranquility and joy with both Finally Five and Buzz are precious. Absolutely remarkable.  And the best part is that my life and my brain are so slow right now that I’m able to relish every one. I am grateful for this life lesson and will carry it with me when FBC is but a distant memory.

While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about.

~Angela Schwindt


  1. It's amazing what small things can do for us! She's a true gift and has every bit of you in her! What a blessing!


  2. Amen to that sister!! It is really a blessing to be able to spend time with family that otherwise would be spent in the busy crunch of everyday life…i have yet to decide which is worse, the insomnia or the "roid rage". Hope this finds you felling better every day. Patti

  3. So glad you have the other eight feet in your house that fill your days with happiness. Beautiful posting…just like you.

  4. It reminds me of Zuzu's petals that Jimmy Stewart found in his pocket ! So lovely . Thank you for sharing such sweetness .

  5. These moments are sacred. Hold onto them, the images, the light, the smells, the warmth in your heart. They will help carry you through. This is the literal "stop and smell the roses"! So wonderful "Finally Five" and Buzz are there to share/create them with you..Hope you are feeling a little better every day…

  6. Your "Up North" girlfriend thinks just seeing a perennial is a SL in itself – ours are still under 2' of snow! God Bless you and yours – so happy you can find the SLs in all of this! much love, db

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