I recently heard a great, goose bump story of generosity. A friend attended a birthday party at which many speeches were given. In gratitude for the kind sentiments bestowed on her, the birthday girl stood up and said that for every person who made a speech, she would make a contribution to the charity of… Continue reading SL Giving: God's We Love Deliver
Inspired Living & Celebrating Life
Fashion SL: Carolina Herrera
The HOTY and I are having a ball at Fashion Week! Our first stop was the Carolina Herrera show at Lincoln Center. I am a HUGE fan of Carolina Herrera. Her clothing strikes a beautiful balance between whimsical and serious. I always feel so great when I get to wear her clothes. Outside of the… Continue reading Fashion SL: Carolina Herrera
Happy Valentine’s Day!
The HOTY (a/k/a Husband Of The Year) and I have always loved Valentine’s Day. We love love. It’s just how we roll. Whether for yourself or another, I hope that your heart is overflowing with love on this day…and all days, really! There are lots of Silver Lined Valentine inspiration in and around the internet this… Continue reading Happy Valentine’s Day!
Cuixmala is the sister property of Hacienda de San Antonio. Thanks yet again to Indagare, we had the unbelievably Silver Lined opportunity to visit Cuixmala on our way to the airport. Geez Louise. I couldn’t imagine anything prettier than the Hacienda de San Antonio…until I landed at Cuixmala. One of the big Silver Linings at Cuixmala is… Continue reading Cuixmala
Hacienda de San Antonio
Last week I had yet another Silver Lined adventure orchestrated by the ever-amazing Indagare. Holy Moly. What an amazing company Indagare is! Their tag line is: “The next generation of travel wisdom.” Oh how that describes the company perfectly! The week was a health and wellness jump-start at the Hacienda de San Antonio. I told you a… Continue reading Hacienda de San Antonio
So, You're Coming to Santa Barbara
So, you’re coming to Santa Barbara? Well, my oh my, let me be the first person to say WELCOME and get ready to have some FUN! We natives (I’m not really a native, but like to say that I am!) are always asked, “What are the Must-Do’s in Santa Barbara?” I have my favorite list… Continue reading So, You're Coming to Santa Barbara
Afternoon Matinee with the Iron Lady and St. Francis of Assisi
Yesterday, the HOTY (a/k/a Husband of the Year to new readers) and I were completely decadent: we went to an afternoon matinee to see The Iron Lady. Wowsy bowsy. It is one of those films that had me thinking about it well into today, so much so, in fact, that I’m writing about it here.… Continue reading Afternoon Matinee with the Iron Lady and St. Francis of Assisi
Madonna in Vogue
Madonna has a long history with Vogue and I happen to love…Every. Single. Moment. At 53, she continues to rock the music industry, the film industry and the fashion industry. I mean, Really. She is going to be all of 54 this year. Holy Moly! The thing that I most admire about Madonna is her… Continue reading Madonna in Vogue
Spring Style Inspiration: Floral
I love flowers. Everything about them. I love the way they look and smell and especially they way they make me feel. So, wearing anything floral makes me, well, happy. This is the reason that Spring is my favorite fashion season of the year. The thought of wearing floral during the spring and summer months… Continue reading Spring Style Inspiration: Floral